Period 1875 -
#s 52-88 and 137-139) (Scott
#s P1-P4) Please
email us with a list of items of
interest, Quoting
the SP number corresponding to each unsold lot Email: nvkstamps@hotmail.com |
2c Rose
SP52-01 |
Mint (NG).
Centred left slightly. Fresh colour. Some minor blunt perfs on right
otherwise a very nice looking stamp. |
SP52-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred high. Fresh, deeper colour. Commonly found rough perfs, mainly
on top. Decent overall condition. |
$3.00 |
SP52-03 |
Mint (OG, NH).
Centred high. Very fresh and clean for this issue. Scarce in such condition
with generally good perfs. |
SP52-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred low. Average colour with generally good perfs for this issue, commonly
seen with somewhat rough perfs. Nice looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP52-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred right. Good colour with decent perfs. Average overall condition
due to centring. |
$2.50 |
SP52-06 |
Mint (NG).
Centred bottom right. Good colour and generally good perfs for this issue.
Nice overall condition. |
$3.00 |
SP52-07 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred high. Average colour, somewhat pinkish tone. Average to better
perfs. Interesting stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP52-08 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred slightly top right. Fresh, deep colour with generally good
perfs. Couple of perf tone spots noted for accuracy. Decent looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP52-09 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Generally well centred. Fresh colour with generally good to better
perfs. Average overall condition. |
$3.00 |
SP52-10 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred low. Good colour and decent perfs. Minor gum disturbance causing
light foxing on front. |
$3.00 |
SP52-11 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred with good colour and decent perfs. A very nice
looking stamp with nicely struck postal cancel. |
$1.00 |
SP52-12 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour and decent perfs. A very nice looking stamp with light cancel not detracting
overall appearance. |
SP52-13 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred high. Good, deeper colour. Commonly found rough and
some blunt perfs. Average overall condition. |
$1.00 |
SP52-14 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Generally well centred with nice deeper colour. Some commonly found
rough perfs noted, otherwise a very decent looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP52-15 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred with good colour and decent perfs other than
minor blunt perf on top right corner. Lovely corner strike, keeping overall
appearance clear. |
$1.00 |
SP52-16 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred top left. Deep colour with commonly found rough and
blunt perfs. Nicely struck postal strike. |
$1.00 |
SP52-17 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred low. Average colour. Odd blunt perfs, and rounded on
top right corner. Nice partial cancel not detracting overall appearance. |
$1.00 |
SP52-18 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred high. Very nice colour and generally decent perfs
for this issue. Light cancel. A very nice looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP52-19 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred high with good colour. Decent perfs for this
issue. Very light cancel keeping stamp profile
clear. |
$1.00 |
SP52-20 |
Official Cancel. Centred top right with good, fresh colour. Scarcer usage. A
nice looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
2c Blue
SP53-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred with vibrant colour. Very good perfs for this issue.
A choice stamp and seldom offered so fine. Very scarce. Scott Cat $260. |
SP53-02 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred right. Fresh, vibrant colour with decent perfs for this
issue. Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Very scarce to find
used. Scott Cat $100. |
SP54-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred slightly left. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs. Pulled
perf on bottom right and small thin on top affecting perfs. Average stamp. |
SP54-02 |
Parrilla Cancel. Better centring with average colour. Some rough perfs and
rounded bottom right corner. Average condition. |
$8.00 |
SP54-03 |
Indistinct Cancel. Better centring with average colour. Decent perfs.
Slightly smudged cancel otherwise a very nice looking stamp. |
$9.00 |
SP54-04 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred left. Fresh colour. Rough perfs with odd blunt perfs,
common for this issue. Decent looking stamp. |
$11.50 |
SP54-05 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred left. Good rich colour. Rough perfs causing some
blunt perfs, common for this issue. Scarcer postal usage. |
$9.00 |
SP54-06 |
Used. Light
indistinct cancel. Stamp centred left. Very rich colour. Very minor surface scrape
above DE, otherwise a sound stamp. |
$9.00 |
SP54-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh deep colour. Light postal
strike not detracting overall appearance. Nice stamp. |
$11.50 |
SP54-08 |
Partial Fancy Certif Registration Cancel. Good
colour with generally good perfs for this issue. Small face
scrape to left of ear. Difficult postal usage. |
$11.50 |
SP54-09 |
Indistinct Cancel. Generally well centred. Good colour with commonly found rough
perfs. Light cancel not detracting from overall appearance. |
$9.00 |
SP54-10 |
Indistinct Cancel. Well centred with fresh colour. Decent perfs for this
issue. A gorgeous tamp and seldom seen in such fine condition. |
$12.00 |
SP54-11 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred bottom left. Fresh colour and generally better perfs.
Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Lovely looking stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP54-12 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred high. Very fresh and deep shade for this issue.
Rounded perf on bottom right corner otherwise decent throughout. Almost appears
to be unused. |
$10.00 |
SP54-13 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred with good colour and decent perfs. Small thin
on reverse, not affecting front appearance. Light corner cancel keeping stamp
clear. Very nice. |
$11.00 |
SP54-14 |
Used. Fancy
CERTIF Registration Cancel. Centred top left with good colour and average
perfs. Scarcer postal usage. |
$9.00 |
SP54-15 |
Used. Fancy
CERTIF Registration Cancel. Centred right with deep, rich colour. Coupe of
blunt perfs on bottom left otherwise a very nice stamp. Scarcer postal usage. |
$10.00 |
10c Blue
SP55-01 |
Mint (OG,
Heavy HR). Generally well centred. Deep, vibrant colour with good perfs. A
choice stamp and seldom offered so fine. |
SP55-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top left. Fresh, deep colour with good perfs for this issue. A
very nice stamp and sound in all respects. |
SP55-03 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred left. Average colour with generally better perfs (couple of
blunt perfs noted on bottom right). Average overall condition. |
$4.00 |
SP55-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred right. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs, mainly on
right margin. Average overall condition. |
$4.00 |
SP55-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred high. Fresh colour. Average perfs with rounded top right corner.
Decent overall condition. |
$4.00 |
SP55-06 |
Partial Circular Date Stamp Cancel. Centred left, with fresh deeper shade. A lovely
looking stamp. |
SP55-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred right with good colour. Some rough perfs noted.
Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Nice postally used example. |
$1.50 |
SP55-08 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Well centred with good colour. Commonly found rough perfs and one
pulled perf on bottom. Light postal strike. Nice looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP55-09 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred left with good colour. Some blunt perfs on top left and
bottom right margins, otherwise a nice looking stamp. |
$1.25 |
SP55-10 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred. Lighter shade with some blunt perfs,
most noticeable on bottom right corner. Average condition. |
$1.25 |
SP56-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Generally well centred with good colour. Average perfs, with some
commonly found rough perfs. Nice overall looking stamp. Scarcer in mint than
indicated by Scott. |
SP56-02 |
Partial Circular Date Cancel. Well centred with nice deeper shade. Good perfs
other than rounded perf on bottom left corner. Lovely stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP56-03 |
Partial Manila Star Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh colour. Good
perfs and a lovely looking stamp. Scarcer postal usage. Difficult to find so
fine. |
$1.50 |
SP56-04 |
Used. Manila
Star Circular Date Stamp. Centred slightly high with very good colour. Some
blunt perfs common for this issue. Scarce postal usage. |
$2.00 |
SP56-05 |
Possible Circle of Dots Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh colour.
Some blunt perfs on right otherwise a very nice looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP56-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred right with light shade. Very nice postal strike and
a great specialist stamp. Scarce as such. |
$1.50 |
SP56-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred, with rich deeper shade. One pulled perf on
bottom otherwise a gorgeous stamp with nicely struck postal cancel. Seldom
seen so nice. |
SP56-08 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred bottom right, with fresh colour. Partial cancel not
detracting overall appearance. Nice looking stamp. Difficult to find nicely
postally used. |
$2.00 |
SP56-09 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred top left with average colour. Some commonly found
rough or blunt perfs. Average looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP56-10 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred right with fresh colour. Nicely struck postal
cancel, scarce usage. Very nice stamp. |
$2.00 |
Violet Brown
SP57-01 |
Mint (NG).
Centred top left. Good colour. Backing paper on left (could be washed off). Average
to better perfs. Good looking stamp. |
SP57-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top left. Average shade with odd blunt perfs noted for accuracy,
common for this issue. Average overall condition. |
$7.00 |
SP57-03 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred right. Fresh colour. Rounded top right perf and rough perfs on right.
Average overall condition. |
$8.00 |
SP57-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top left. Good colour with very good perfs for this issue. Nice
overall condition. |
SP57-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top left. Very fresh colour. Rough or blunt perfs mainly on top
and bottom, common for this issue. |
$8.00 |
SP57-06 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred low. Good colour. Couple of pulled perfs on bottom
otherwise a nice looking stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP57-07 |
Used. Light
indistinct cancel. Centred low. Good colour. Decent perfs but rounded corner
on top left. Average stamp. |
$4.00 |
SP57-08 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Rounded perf on top right
and minor blunt perf on bottom right. Difficult to find postally used. |
$4.50 |
SP57-09 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred high with commonly found rough or blunt perfs. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Decent looking stamp. |
$4.50 |
SP57-10 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred bottom left. Good colour with commonly found rough
or minor blunt perfs. Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Decent
looking stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP57-11 |
Used. Light
indistinct cancel. Generally well centred for this issue. Fresh colour. Rough
or blunt perfs mainly on left and right sides. Difficult stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP57-12 |
Indistinct cancel. Centred right with very fresh, deep colour. One pulled
perf on right and some other blunt perfs common for this issue. |
$4.50 |
SP57-13 |
Indistinct cancel. Nice deeper shade. Centred right with average to better
perfs. Cancel not detracting overall appearance. Average overall condition. |
SP57-14 |
Indistinct cancel. Centred top left with good colour. Average to better
perfs. Light cancel, almost appearing unused. Nice stamp. |
$4.50 |
SP57-15 |
Telegraph Hole Punch. Centred right with fresh, vibrant colour. Commonly
found rough perfs for this issue. Some paper adherence on reverse (would wash
off). |
$4.00 |
SP58-01 |
Mint (NG,
NH). Well centred with good colour. Generally good perfs for this issue.
Scarce and understated in Scott. |
SP58-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred left. Fresh colour with average to better perfs for this issue.
Nice overall looking stamp. Hard to find and understated in Scott. |
$20.00 |
SP58-03 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred left. Fresh colour with average to better perfs for this issue. Nice
overall looking stamp. Hard to find and understated in Scott. |
$20.00 |
SP58-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred bottom right. Nice deeper shade with average to better perfs. Lovely
overall looking stamp. Scarce as such. |
$22.50 |
SP58-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Generally well centred. Fresh colour with good perfs, slightly blunted
on bottom right. Couple of small black marks noted for accuracy. Very nice
stamp. |
$22.50 |
SP58-06 |
Circle of Dots Cancel. Centred slightly high. Fresh, deeper colour with decent
perfs. Scarcer postal usage for this issue. Very nice. |
SP58-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred bottom right with fresh colour. Rounded corner perfs
on bottom right otherwise a nice looking stamp. |
$4.00 |
SP58-08 |
Used. Indistinct
Cancel. Centred top right with nice deeper shade. Commonly found rough or
slightly blunt perfs. Small thin on bottom right. Light cancel not detracting
overall appearance. |
$4.00 |
SP58-09 |
Used. Official
Cancel. Well centred with fresh, deep colour. Straight edge on top and
manuscript (pen) cancel with Official cancel. Very scarce usage. |
$5.00 |
SP58-10 |
Telegraph Hole Punch. Centred left with average colour. Odd blunt perfs noted
otherwise a nice looking stamp. Scarcer usage. |
$4.50 |
12c on
2c Rose
SP59-01 |
Mint. (NG,
Light HR). Base stamp centred high. Fresh colour and decent perfs for this issue.
Decently struck surcharge. Nice looking stamp. Scarce. Scott Cat $85. |
$60.00 |
SP59-02 |
Mint. (NG,
HR). Base stamp generally well centred. Good colour and generally good perfs,
odd blunt ones noted but common for this issue. Nicely struck surcharge.
Scott Cat $85. |
$55.00 |
SP59-03 |
Mint. (NG).
Base stamp centred bottom left. Good colour. One pulled perf on bottom,
otherwise a very nice looking stamp. Scott Cat $85. |
SP59-04 |
Mint. (NG,
HR). Base stamp centred top right. Good colour with rough or blunt perfs,
common for this issue. Light surcharge strike, partially omitted. Average
condition. |
$30.00 |
SP59-05 |
Mint. (NG,
HR). Base stamp centred top right. Fresh colour with good perfs for this
issue. Lovely struck surcharge. Very appealing stamp. |
$60.00 |
SP59-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp centred slightly left. Good colour. Lovely postal
strike, not detracting overall appearance. Scarce as such. |
$20.00 |
SP59-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh colour. Nicely struck
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Good surcharge strike. |
$20.00 |
SP59-08 |
Used. Indistinct
Cancel. Base stamp centred left. Decent colour. Odd blunt perf mainly on left
side. Lightly struck surcharge. Average overall condition. |
$10.00 |
SP59-09 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred. One pulled perf in middle of right
side. Nice looking stamp and not easy to find so fine postally used. |
$20.00 |
SP59-10 |
Indistinct Cancel. Base stamp centred low. Average colour with commonly found
rough perfs, some blunt on bottom. Average surcharge strike, not complete.
Good stamp. |
$12.00 |
SP59-11 |
Parrilla Cancel. Good base colour and sound stamp with generally good perfs.
Right side with small margins. Decent surcharge. Nice looking stamp. |
$20.00 |
SP59-12 |
Partial Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp centred top left with good colour. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Lovely looking stamp. |
$20.00 |
SP59-13 |
Indistinct Cancel. Base stamp centred high. Deep colour. Minor foxing causing
yellowish appearance. Odd blunt perfs on bottom. Nice surcharge strike.
Decent looking stamp. |
$20.00 |
SP59-14 |
Parrilla Cancel. Good base colour and sound stamp with generally good perfs.
Decent surcharge. Nice looking stamp. |
$20.00 |
SP59-15 |
Parrilla Cancel. Nice deeper base colour with generally good perfs. Very nice
surcharge strike and light cancel, not detracting overall appearance. |
$20.00 |
12c on
25m Black (Black Surcharge)
SP60-01 |
Indistinct Cancel. Base stamp centred high. Good colour. Odd blunt or rough perfs
noted, and rounded top left corner. Light surcharge strike, with most letters
omitted. |
$20.00 |
SP60-02 |
Indistinct Cancel. Base stamp generally well centred. Repaired top left
corner. Otherwise, a nice looking stamp. Scarcer than
indicated in Scott. |
SP60-03 |
Indistinct Cancel. Base stamp generally well centred with good colour. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Nice, clearly struck surcharge.
Lovely looking stamp. |
SP60-04 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Centred top left with good colour. Light cancel not detracting
overall appearance. Nicely struck surcharge. Scarce to find so fine. |
$40.00 |
12c on
25m Black (Blue Surcharge)
SP62-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top left. Fresh, deep colour. Average to good perfs for this
issue. Very nice looking stamp. |
SP62-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top left. Good colour. Commonly found rough or blunt perfs.
Average overall condition. |
SP62-03 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred low. Good colour with average perfs. Very light foxing on top noted
for accuracy. Better quality. |
SP62-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred right. Fresh colour. Some rough perfs, mainly on left. Average
overall condition. |
$3.00 |
SP62-05 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top left. Deep, intense colour. Couple of blunt perfs on right.
Nice looking stamp and in better than normal condition |
SP62-06 |
Indistinct Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh colour. Good perfs with
light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Lovely stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP62-07 |
Used. Indistinct
Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Nice overall looking stamp
with light cancellation. |
$1.00 |
SP62-08 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred top left with fresh colour and decent perfs. Light
cancel on top, clear of Kings portrait. Nice looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP62-09 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred with fresh colour. Lovely looking stamp with
commonly found rough perfs. Nice overall appearance. |
$1.00 |
SP62-10 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Centred top left. Good colour with average perfs for this issue.
Light cancel. Decent stamp. |
$0.75 |
SP62-11 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred low. Good colour with decent perfs. Nice overall
looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP62-12 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Centred top left. Light shade with decent perfs for this issue. Edge cancel not detracting overall appearance. |
$1.00 |
SP62-13 |
Indistinct Cancels. Well centred with good colour and generally better perfs.
A very nice looking stamp and seldom seen as such. |
$1.00 |
SP62-14 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred slightly high with fresh colour. Good perfs. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. |
$1.00 |
SP62-15 |
Used. Partial
Manila Star Circular Date Stamp. Centred top left with lighter shade. Rounded
top right corner perf and odd blunt perf. Average condition. |
$0.50 |
SP63-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top right. Fresh colour with very good perfs. A lovely looking
stamp and seldom offered so fine. Scarce and understated in Scott. Scott Cat
$67.50 |
$55.00 |
SP63-02 |
Mint (OG, HR).
Generally well centred. Fresh, deep colour. Good perfs all around. A choice
stamp and scarcely offered so fine. Scott Cat $67.50 |
SP63-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left. Good colour with decent perfs. A very nice looking stamp.
Scarce. Scott Cat $67.50 |
$55.00 |
SP63-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top left. Good colour with average to better perfs for this
issue. Nice overall appearance. Scott Cat $67.50 |
$55.00 |
50m Dull
SP64-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top right. Fresh colour. Commonly found rough or blunt perfs.
Decent looking stamp. Understated in Scott. |
$22.50 |
SP64-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred bottom right. Deep shade with good perfs for this issue. One blunt
perf on bottom mentioned for accuracy. Nice stamp. |
SP64-03 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top right. Good colour with generally better perfs for this
issue. Nice overall appearance. Average condition. |
$22.50 |
SP64-04 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred bottom right. Good colour and generally decent perfs for this issue.
Very nice stamp and hard to find these in good condition. |
$25.00 |
SP64-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred bottom left. Fresh colour. Few blunt perfs on left otherwise generally
decent. Nice overall looking stamp. |
$17.50 |
SP64-06 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred left. Very fresh vibrant colour. Odd blunt perf, common for this
issue. Very nice looking stamp. Scarce to find fine. |
$25.00 |
SP64-07 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred right with good colour and generally decent perfs for this
issue. Nice overall looking stamp. |
$25.00 |
SP64-08 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred slightly bottom right. Fresh colour and lovely shade for this issue.
Good perfs and a nice looking stamp. Difficult to find fine. |
$25.00 |
SP64-09 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred slightly low with good colour. Some blunt perfs on
left. Cancel just touching top perfs, keeping stamp clear. Very appealing. |
$8.00 |
SP64-10 |
Parrilla Cancel. Average colour and somewhat foxy appearance. Good perfs,
with couple of blunt perfs on top left corner. Scarce postal usage and hard
to find used. |
62.5m Gray
SP65-01 |
Mint (Dry
Disturbed OG, HR). Centred low. Dull shade.
Couple of minor blunt perfs noted for accuracy. Small face
scrape on second I in FILIPINAS. Decent stamp. Scott Cat $65. |
$40.00 |
SP65-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Generally well centred with decent colour. Good perfs for this issue. Nice
overall looking stamp. Scott Cat $65. |
SP65-03 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Generally well centred with good perfs. Decent colour for this issue. A
lovely looking stamp. Scott Cat $65. |
$50.00 |
SP65-04 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Centred low with good colour. Decent perfs for this issue. Difficult
stamps to find postally used and understated in Scott. |
SP65-05 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred slightly low with average colour. Some blunt perfs on
right otherwise a decent looking stamp. Difficult to find postally used and
understated in Scott. |
$8.00 |
Yellow Green
SP67-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred bottom right. Fresh, vibrant colour with decent perfs for this
issue. Seldom offered so fine. Difficult to find in fine condition. |
$10.00 |
SP67-02 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred high. Good colour with commonly found rough or blunt perfs. Decent
looking stamp. |
SP67-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred bottom right with good colour. Commonly found rough perfs.
Average overall condition. |
$7.00 |
SP67-04 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred left with fresh colour. Commonly found rough perfs. Average overall
condition. |
$7.00 |
SP67-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Well centred for this issue. Fresh, vibrant colour. Couple of blunt
perfs on top noted for accuracy, otherwise a very fine looking stamp. Scarce
so fine. |
SP67-06 |
Partial Manila Star Circular Date Stamp. Centred top left with good colour. Decent
perfs all around. Light cancel leaving kings profile clear. Difficult in
light used condition. |
$2.50 |
SP67-07 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred slightly high with fresh colour and decent perfs. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Lovely looking stamp. |
SP67-08 |
Official Cancel. Well centred with good colour. Rounded perf on top right.
Very scarce usage and a lovely official strike. Seldom offered. |
$3.00 |
SP67-09 |
Probable Official Cancel. Centred bottom left with good colour and decent
perfs. Light cancel. Interesting. |
$2.50 |
SP67-10 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred high. Average colour with a couple of minor blunt
perfs. Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. |
SP67-11 |
Partial Manila Star Circular Date Stamp. Generally well centred with fresh
colour. Commonly found rough perfs. Scarce postal usage for this issue. |
$3.00 |
SP67-12 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred high. Fresh colour with decent perfs. Light cancel
not detracting overall appearance. Nice looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP67-13 |
Used. Indistinct
Cancel. Centred top left with fresh colour. One pulled perf on bottom
otherwise a nice looking stamp. Interesting cancel. |
SP67-14 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred top left with fresh colour and commonly found
rough perfs. Light cancel. Nice looking stamp. |
$2.50 |
SP67-15 |
Manuscript (pen 31 January 1879) dated Cancel. Centred bottom left with fresh
colour. A lovely stamp, most likely fiscal usage. Scarce. |
$3.00 |
SP68-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred left with fresh, deep colour. Better perfs for this issue. Very nice
looking stamp. |
SP68-02 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred right. Fresh colour with good perfs. A very attractive stamp
and seldom offered as nice. |
SP68-03 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred bottom right. Good colour with very good perfs for this issue. Decent
looking stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP68-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred left with fresh, vibrant colour. Commonly found rough or
somewhat blunt perfs. Decent stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP68-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred bottom left. Fresh colour with some blunt perfs noted, mainly on
left. Nice overall looking stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP68-06 |
Possible Boxed Certif Registration Cancel. Centred left
with good colour and decent perfs. Very nice looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP68-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh colour. Rough perfs on
bottom and rounded bottom left corner. Lovely postal usage, difficult on this
issue. |
$1.00 |
SP68-08 |
Official Cancel. Centred slightly low with lighter shade. Commonly found
rough perfs on this issue. Light cancel. Scarce usage. |
$1.50 |
SP68-09 |
Official Cancel. Centred slightly low with deep, vibrant colour. Good perfs
with a beautiful partial strike. Very scarce as such. |
SP68-10 |
Manuscript (pen) Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour and decent
perfs. Two thins on reverse not showing through to front. Possibly used on
fiscal document. |
SP68-11 |
Manila Star Circular Date Stamp. Generally well centred with deep, vibrant
colour with excellent perfs. Very seldom found so fine. Choice stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP68-12 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh, vibrant colour. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Lovely stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP68-13 |
Manila Star Circular Date Stamp. Centred right with fresh colour. Good perfs
with light cancel, clear of central design. Very nice stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP68-14 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred. Light shade with very good perfs. Light cancel
not detracting overall appearance. Lovely looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP68-15 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred low with good colour. Commonly found rough or blunt
perfs. Light corner postal strike. Nice stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP69-01 |
Mint (NG).
Centred right with fresh, deeper colour. Decent perfs for this issue. Nice
overall looking stamp and hard to find in mint condition. |
$25.00 |
SP69-02 |
Mint (OG,
Light HR). Generally well centred. Fresh colour with generally good perfs for
this issue. A beautiful stamp and seldom seen so fine. |
SP69-03 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred low with fresh, vibrant colour. Very good perfs for this issue.
A very nice looking stamp. |
$30.00 |
SP69-04 |
Indistinct Cancel, most likely partial CDS. Well centred with fresh colour
and decent perfs. Nice overall appearance. |
$5.00 |
SP69-05 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred low with average colour. Rounded top right and
bottom left corners. Thins on reverse not showing through. Scarce postal
usage, difficult on this issue. |
$4.00 |
SP69-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred high with average colour. Some blunt perfs noted. Average
overall condition. |
$4.00 |
SP69-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred top left with good colour. One pulled perf on bottom
left otherwise a decent stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP69-08 |
Remainder Hole Punch. Well centred with good colour. Rounded top left corner
and couple of blunt perfs on bottom. Not to be mistaken for Telegraph Hole
Punch cancels, these are larger and more rounded punch holes. Scarce |
$5.00 |
SP69-09 |
Remainder Hole Punch. Centred slightly left with fresh colour. Commonly found
rough or blunt perfs. Interesting stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP69-10 |
Official Cancel. Generally well centred with vibrant colour. Lovely partial
official strike. Scarce usage. Very nice stamp. |
Violet Rose
SP70-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Generally well centred with fresh, vibrant colour. Decent perfs for this
issue. A choice stamp. Very scarce and missing in most collections. Scott Cat
$350 |
SP71-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred right. Very vibrant, fresh colour. Better perfs for this issue.
Seldom seen so nice. |
SP71-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred bottom right. Good colour and commonly found rough or blunt
perfs. Minor face scrape on left side otherwise a
decent looking stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP71-03 |
Mint (Dry OG,
Heavy HR). Centred bottom right. Fresh colour with commonly found rough
perfs. Nice stamp with generally good to fine condition. |
$10.00 |
SP71-04 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred top left. Scarce very Deep shade. Some rough or blunt perfs on
left. Minor scuff mark just below DE
otherwise a nice looking stamp. |
SP71-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred top right. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs. Average
overall condition. |
$8.00 |
SP71-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with fresh colour and decent perfs.
Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Lovely looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP71-07 |
Used. Indistinct
Cancel. Centred high with vibrant colour. One pulled perf on bottom otherwise
a nice stamp. |
$2.50 |
SP71-08 |
Circle of Dots Cancel. Well centred with good colour. Rounded top right
corner and pulled perfs on bottom left. Average overall condition. |
$2.00 |
SP71-09 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred left with fresh colour. Decent perfs for this
issue. Nice looking stamp. |
$2.50 |
SP71-10 |
Manila Star Circular Date Stamp. Centred left with good colour (lighter shade).
Light postal strike. Very nice looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP71-11 |
Possible Rectangular Boxed Registration Cancel. Generally well centred with vibrant
colour. Light cancel. Very attractive stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP71-12 |
Official Cancel. Centred top right. Lighter shade with decent perfs for this
issue. Lovely crown official strike. Scarce. |
SP71-13 |
Used. Official
Cancel. Centred slightly low with deep, vibrant colour. Light cancel not
detracting overall appearance. Scarce usage. |
$4.00 |
SP71-14 |
Official Cancel. Centred bottom right. Fresh colour with decent perfs. Nice partial
strike on left. Scarce usage. |
$5.00 |
SP71-15 |
Official Cancel. Centred top right. Deep shade with average perfs, some blunt
perfs noted. Lovely crisp top right corner strike. Scarce usage. |
$5.00 |
2c on 25m
Green (Small Surcharge)
SP72-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Base stamp centred left. Very fresh colour and overall good perfs for this
issue. Nice crisp surcharge. Scarce stamp. Scott Cat $55 |
SP72-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Base stamp centred low. Good colour with commonly found rough or
somewhat blunt perfs. Lovely surcharge strike. Some minor foxing noted. Scott
Cat $55 |
$35.00 |
SP72-03 |
Mint (NG,
Heavy HR). Base stamp centred low. Very fresh colour. Commonly found rough or
blunt perfs. Nice overall looking stamp. Scott Cat $55 |
$35.00 |
SP72-04 |
Used. Partial
Manila Star CDS. Base stamp centred low with good colour and decent perfs.
Nicely stuck surcharge. Nice overall looking stamp. Scarce postal usage. |
$10.00 |
SP72-05 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred high with average perfs (couple of blunt perfs on
right noted). Fresh colour. Thin on reverse not showing through to front.
Nice overall looking stamp. |
$9.00 |
SP72-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred Left with fresh colour. Couple of blunt perfs on top
right noted. Very nice clear surcharge strike. A lovely looking stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP72-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred left with good colour. Some slightly blunt perfs,
common for this issue. A nice looking stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP72-08 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Centred low with fresh, vibrant colour. Commonly found rough or blunt
perfs, otherwise a lovely looking stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP72-09 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Decent perfs and a light
postal strike not detracting overall appearance. Seldom offered as nice. |
$11.00 |
SP72-10 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred low with fresh colour and decent perfs. Nice top
left corner strike, not detracting overall appearance. Scarcer postal usage. |
8c on
100m Carmine (Small Surcharge)
SP73-01 |
Mint (Dry
OG, Heavy HR). Base stamp centred low. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs.
Nice surcharge strike. Slight foxing from disturbed gum. Scott Cat $52.50. |
$35.00 |
SP73-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Base stamp centred low with very fresh, vibrant colour. Commonly found
rough or blunt perfs. Lovely crisp surcharge strike. Beautiful looking stamp.
Scott Cat $52.50. |
SP73-03 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Base stamp centred low with fresh colour. Commonly found rough perfs.
Very nice surcharge strike. Nice overall looking stamp. Scott Cat $52.50. |
$45.00 |
SP73-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Base stamp generally well centred with fresh colour, Rounded top left
corner, otherwise decent perfs. Light surcharge. Average condition. |
$30.00 |
SP73-05 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp well centred with good colour. Light postal
strike on left keeping most of the stamp clear. Nicely struck surcharge. Very
nice stamp |
$6.00 |
SP73-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp centred left. Fresh, deep colour and good perfs. Nicely
struck surcharge. Very nice looking stamp. |
SP73-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp centred left with good colour. Couple of blunt
perfs noted on left, otherwise a nice stamp with decent surcharge strike. |
$5.00 |
SP73-08 |
Used. Parrilla
Cancel. Base stamp centred left with fresh colour. Average perfs and very
nice clearly struck surcharge. Nice stamp. |
$5.50 |
SP73-09 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp centred low with rich colour. Decent perfs and
lightly struck postal cancel, not detracting overall appearance. Lovely
looking stamp. |
$6.00 |
SP73-10 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp well centred with fresh, crisp colour. Good perfs
and light postal strike. Seldom offered so fine. |
$6.00 |
2c on
25m Green (Large Surcharge)
SP74-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Base stamp centred slightly left with fresh, vibrant colour. Round bottom
right corner and odd minor blunt perfs noted on bottom. Lovely clear
surcharge. Minor thin on reverse not showing through to front. Scarce stamp.
Scott Cat $400 |
8c on
100m Carmine (Large Surcharge)
SP75-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Base stamp centred bottom right with good colour. Commonly found rough
perfs. Nice clear surcharge strike. Scarce and seldom offered. Scott Cat $400 |
SP75-02 |
Parrilla Cancel. Base stamp generally well centred with fresh, vibrant
colour. Light postal strikes and very crisp surcharge. A gorgeous stamp and
seldom offered as fine. |
$50.00 |
SP75-03 |
Manila Star CDS. Base stamp generally well centred with decent colour.
Rounded top right corner and some blunt perfs noted. Scarce postal strike. |
$35.00 |
SP76-01 |
Mint (OG,
NH).Centred slightly low with fresh colour and average perfs. A very nice
looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP76-02 |
Mint (OG,
NH). Centred right. Fresh, vibrant colour with very good perfs. Lovely stamp. |
SP76-03 |
Mint (OG, NH).
Centred slightly right. Fresh colour with commonly found rough perfs. Decent
stamp. |
SP76-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred bottom left with fresh colour and very good perfs for this
issue. A lovely looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP76-05 |
Mint (OG, HR).
Generally well centred. Fresh colour, deeper shade. Slightly rounded perf on
bottom right corner otherwise a beautiful, fresh looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP76-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred. Deep colour with nice postal strike.
Not often offered as fine. |
$1.00 |
SP76-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Base stamp centred bottom left. Good colour with commonly
fund rough perfs. Almost complete postal cancel, not often seen as such. |
$1.50 |
SP76-08 |
Used. Manila
Star CDS. Stamp centred right slightly with good colour. Some minor blunt
perfs on left not really evident due to cancel. Scarcer postal usage. |
$1.50 |
SP76-09 |
Used. Boxed
Certif Registration cancel.
Centred low with good colour and decent perfs. Nice light cancel not
detracting overall appearance. Scarcer usage. |
$1.50 |
SP76-10 |
Correos Manila CDS. Stamp generally well centred with good colour. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Difficult postal usage. |
SP77-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred high with fresh, vibrant colour. Good perfs for this issue. Very
nice overall looking stamp. |
SP77-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred low. Very fresh colour and average to good perfs. Minor thin on
reverse not showing through. Minor diagonal crease. Nice looking stamp. |
$5.50 |
SP77-03 |
Mint (OG, HR).
Generally well centred. Deep, fresh colour with good perfs for this issue. A
choice stamp and seldom offered so fine. |
SP77-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred slightly right. Fresh colour with good pers. Very nice looking
stamp. |
SP77-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred bottom right. Fresh colour with commonly found rough perfs. Nice
stamp overall. |
SP77-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred with very fresh colour. Rounded perf on top right
corner otherwise a very nice stamp with nicely defined postal cancellation. |
$1.50 |
SP77-07 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with decent colour. Commonly found
rough perfs. Nice clear postal strike. Very nice stamp for the cancel specialist. |
SP77-08 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred slightly high. Good colour with decent perfs. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. Scarcer postal usage. |
$1.50 |
SP77-09 |
Used. Manila
Star CDS. Centred top right. Good base colour and clean partial date stamp.
Difficult to find this cancel. |
$1.50 |
SP77-10 |
Circle of Dots Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Light cancel
not detracting overall condition. Very nice looking stamp. Scarcer postal
usage. |
$2.00 |
Ultramarine (Original State)
SP78-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred slightly high. Fresh fresh, vibrant
colour with good perfs for this issue. Very fine and seldom offered as such. |
SP78-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred low with light shade. Good to better perfs for this issue. Minor
diagonal crease noted for accuracy. Nice looking stamp despite fault.
Difficult to find mint |
$2.00 |
SP78-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred, with fresh, deep shade. Couple of blunt perfs
noted, otherwise a very beautiful stamp with scarcer shade. |
SP78-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred. Fresh colour with very good perfs. A choice
stamp, scarce so fine. |
SP78-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Well centred with good colour. Rounded perf on top right corner, otherwise
a beautiful looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP78-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred left. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs. Nice
cancel for the specialist. |
$1.75 |
SP78-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Well centred with nice fresh appearance. Nicely struck
cancel for this issue. Difficult postal usage. |
$2.00 |
SP78-08 |
Used. Manila
Star CDS. Generally well centred with good colour. Odd blunt perfs noted.
Nicely struck cancel. Scarcer postal usage. |
SP78-09 |
Circle of Dots Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Light corner cancel.
Couple of blunt perfs on top not detracting overall appearance. Nice looking
stamp. |
$1.75 |
SP78-10 |
Official Cancel with Manuscript (pen) marking. Centred low with nice fresh
colour. Nice overall looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
2-4/8c Ultramarine
(First Retouch)
SP79-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Generally well centred. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs for this
issue. Nice stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP79-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred. Fresh colour with very nice perfs. A lovely
looking stamp. |
$1.25 |
SP79-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Well centred with good colour and decent perfs. Fine, and not often seen
as nice. |
SP79-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred high, with slightly deeper shade. Average perfs and a nice
overall looking stamp. |
$1.25 |
SP79-05 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred. Fresh, deep colour with average to better perfs.
Very nice stamp and a scarce deep shade. |
SP79-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with nice cancel not detracting overall
appearance. Good stamp. Fine. |
$1.50 |
SP79-07 |
Circle of Dots Cancel. Very fresh and vibrant colour. Centred left. Odd blunt
perf on left side otherwise a lovely looking stamp with rich appearance. |
$1.50 |
SP79-08 |
Used. Manila
Star CDS. Centred right with fresh colour. Few minor blunt perfs noted for
accuracy. Small mark on bottom left corner perf. Nice looking stamp. |
$2.00 |
SP79-09 |
Manila Star CDS. Generally well centred with vibrant, deep shade. Average perfs,
blunt in places. Nice top corner cancel leaving stamp clear. Very nice. |
$2.00 |
SP79-10 |
Correos CDS. Generally well centred. Fresh and vibrant colour and light
postal strike not detracting overall appearance. Seldom seen so fine. |
$2.00 |
2-4/8c Ultramarine (Second Retouch)
SP80-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left. Decent colour. Commonly found rough perfs with rounded perf
on bottom right corner. Average stamp. |
$6.00 |
SP80-02 |
Mint (NG).
Centred top right. Deep, fresh colour. Average perfs, with some blunt perfs
common for this issue. Nice overall looking stamp. |
SP80-03 |
Mint (OG, HR).
Centred low with good colour. Blunt perfs on left and bottom, common for this
issue. Nice stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP80-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Well centred with fresh, vibrant colour. Commonly found rough perfs for
this issue. Very fine overall condition. |
SP80-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Well centred with fresh, vibrant colour. Commonly found rough perfs for
this issue. Very fine overall condition. |
SP80-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Nicely struck cancel
not detracting overall appearance. Difficult stamp to find fine used. |
$4.00 |
SP80-07 |
Circle of Dots Cancel. Centred bottom right. Fresh, vibrant colour with
commonly found rough of blunt perfs. Very scarce postal cancel, seldom seen
on this issue. |
SP80-08 |
Correos Manila CDS. Generally well centred with very fresh colour. Odd blunt
perf noted and minor thin on bottom perfs. Nice lightly centrally stuck
cancel. |
$3.50 |
SP80-09 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred left with commonly found rough perfs. Good colour
and nicely struck postal cancel. |
$3.50 |
SP80-10 |
Correos CDS. Centred low. Fresh colour and generally good perfs for this
issue. Nice partial strike not detracting overall appearance. Lovely looking
stamp. |
$4.00 |
SP81-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred high with lighter shade. Good perfs and a sound stamp. Very nice
appearance. |
SP81-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred right with good colour. Generally good perfs for this issue.
Nice stamp. |
SP81-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred slightly high. Light grey shade, commonly found on this issue.
Good looking stamp. |
$1.00 |
SP81-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred with fresh colour and appearance. Nice overall
looking stamp. |
SP81-05 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred top left. Fresh colour and generally better perfs. Nice
overall looking stamp. |
SP81-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Light partial postal
strike not detracting overall appearance. Scarcer usage. Understated in
Scott. |
$2.00 |
SP81-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred left with good colour. Decent perfs for this issue.
Slightly smudged cancel, but scarce postal usage. Nice stamp. |
$2.00 |
SP81-08 |
Correos CDS. Centred bottom left with good colour. Average perfs for this
issue. Nice light strike. Lovely looking stamp. |
$2.00 |
SP81-09 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred right. Good colour with decent perfs. Lightly struck
postal strikes, not detracting overall appearance. |
$2.00 |
SP81-10 |
Correos CDS. Generally well centred. Average colour and shade with generally
good perfs for this issue (slightly rounded on top right). Decent looking
stamp. |
$2.00 |
Deep Green
SP82-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left. Very deep shade with odd blunt perf, commonly found on this
issue. Nice overall looking stamp. |
SP82-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred right. Good colour. Rough perfs common for this issue. Decent
stamp. |
$6.00 |
SP82-03 |
Mint (OG, HR).
Centred left. Very fresh colour and decent perfs. A striking stamp and seldom
seen so fresh. |
SP82-04 |
Mint (NG).
Centred bottom left with very deep shade. Generally good perfs (one blunt on
left). Fresh overall appearance. Seldom seen with such vibrant appearance. |
SP82-05 |
Mint (OG,
Light HR). Generally well centred. Vibrant colour. Generally good perfs for
this issue. Nice looking stamp. |
SP82-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Well centred with very fresh colour. Light postal strike not
detracting overall appearance. Scarce to find postally used despite low Scott
value. |
$15.00 |
SP82-07 |
Partial Correos CDS. Centred bottom right with good colour and average perfs (some
blunt perfs, common for this issue). Very nice looking stamp. Scarce to find
postally used. |
$15.00 |
SP82-08 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred bottom left with decent colour. Light cancel.
Very scarce usage and understated in Scott. |
SP82-09 |
Possible Partial Certif Registration cancel. Centred left with fresh, vibrant colour and decent
perfs. Lovely looking stamp. |
$10.00 |
SP82-10 |
Partial Official Cancel. Centred left with deep, vibrant colour. Rough perfs,
common for this issue. Scarce usage. |
$12.00 |
Yellow Brown
SP83-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred slightly left. Deep shade. Odd blunt perf, common for this issue.
Difficult stamp to find mint. Scott Cat $36. |
SP83-02 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred bottom right. Good colour with decent perfs. Nice overall
looking stamp. |
$14.00 |
SP83-03 |
Mint (OG,
Light HR). Generally well centred with fresh colour. Commonly found rough
perfs for this issue. Nice looking stamp. |
SP83-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top right with fresh colour. Decent perfs and a sound stamp. |
$14.00 |
SP83-05 |
Mint (NG, HR).
Centred bottom right with fresh colour. Commonly found somewhat blunt perfs.
Nice overall appearance. |
$14.00 |
SP83-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with good colour. Some paper adhesion
on back which should wash off. Sound stamp with partial cancel not detracting
overall appearance. |
$6.00 |
SP83-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Generally well centred and good base colour. Decent perfs
for this issue. Striking stamp and seldom seen as such. |
$6.00 |
SP83-08 |
Manila Star CDS. Centre top left. Good colour and decent perfs for this
issue. Very nice partial strike of this scarcer postal cancel, keeping
overall appearance fine. |
$6.00 |
SP83-09 |
Used. Correos
Manila CDS. Centred left. Good colour with generally decent perfs.
Beautifully struck partial postal strike. Scarcer usage. |
$6.00 |
SP83-10 |
Registration Cancel. Stamp centred top right. Good colour and generally nice
perfs. Partial registration strike not detracting overall appearance. Scarcer
usage. |
$6.00 |
SP85-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred low. Fresh colour with commonly found rough perfs. A very nice
looking stamp. |
$3.50 |
SP85-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Well centred with lovely fresh colour. Good perfs for this issue. A
choice stamp and seldom offered so fine. |
SP85-03 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred right. Nice fresh colour with deeper shade. Good perfs. Very
nice looking stamp. |
SP85-04 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred slightly low. Fresh colour with deeper shade. Good perfs. Lovely
stamp. |
SP85-05 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred left. Fresh colour with very deep shade. Average to better
perfs. Scarce in this shade. |
SP85-06 |
Manila Star CDS. Faded base stamp. Well centred with few rough perfs. Very nice
circular date stamp strike. Scarce usage. |
$3.50 |
SP85-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Generally well centred with good colour. Rounded perf on
bottom right and odd blunt perfs noted. Nice looking stamp. Scarcer postal
use. |
$3.00 |
SP85-08 |
Used. Correos
Manila CDS. Centred bottom left with light colour. Nice partial purple
cancel. Blunt perfs noted. Average stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP85-09 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred high. Very deep shade. Commonly found rough perfs for
this issue. Difficult shade to find postally used. |
$4.50 |
SP85-10 |
Fiscal Cancel. Centre top right. Nice deep shade. Blunt perfs on top
otherwise decent. Nice partial official cancel. Thin on reverse not showing
through to front. Scarcer usage. |
Bright Rose
SP86-01 |
Mint (OG,
Light HR). Generally well centred with fresh colour. Average to better perfs for
this issue. A gorgeous looking stamp. |
SP86-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top left with fresh, deep colour. Good perfs. Nice overall
looking stamp. |
SP86-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top right with fresh, deep shade. Very good perfs. A choice
stamp and seldom seen so fine. |
SP86-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred low with deep shade. Some rough perfs on bottom, otherwise a
nice looking stamp. |
$1.75 |
SP86-05 |
Mint (OG, HR).
Well centred with fresh, deep shade. Other than a couple of rough perfs on
bottom a gorgeous looking stamp. |
SP86-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Centred left. Average colour with few blunt perfs noted. Decent
partial cancel. Difficult to find with nice cancels. |
$1.75 |
SP86-07 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred bottom right with fresh colour. Few minor blunt
perfs. Light cancel not detracting overall appearance of the stamp. |
$1.75 |
SP86-08 |
Manila Star CDS. Well centred with very fresh, vibrant colour. A choice stamp
with scarcer postal usage. |
$2.00 |
SP86-09 |
Used. Large
Boxed Certificado Cancel. Generally well centred with decent colour and good
perfs. Nice light registration cancel. Scarcer
postal usage. |
$2.00 |
SP86-10 |
Official Cancel. Centred bottom right. Very fresh colour with generally good
perfs for this issue (couple of blunt perfs noted on bottom left). Light
cancel. Scarcer usage. |
$2.00 |
Bistre Brown
SP87-01 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred slightly high. Decent perfs for this issue, with a couple of
perf tones on top, otherwise a sound and nice looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP87-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred with generally decent perfs (odd blunt perf on
bottom). Good colour and nice overall looking stamp. |
SP87-03 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred left with generally good perfs for this issue. Lovely fresh
colour. Very nice looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP87-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred with good colour and decent perfs for this issue.
Nice overall looking stamp. |
SP87-05 |
Mint (NG).
Generally well centred with good perfs for this issue. Decent colour. A nice
looking stamp. |
$3.00 |
SP87-06 |
Manila Star CDS. Stamp centred left. Good colour with generally fine perfs for
this issue. Lovely postal strike, with scarcer usage. Nice looking stamp. |
$2.00 |
SP87-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Well centred with good colour. Light partial strike not
detracting overall appearance. Nice looking stamp. |
$2.00 |
SP87-08 |
Indistinct Cancel. Generally well centred with scarcer deep shade. Light
cancel not detracting overall appearance. A very fine looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP87-09 |
Used. Eight
Sided Dotted Cancel. Stamp centred high with average
colour. Very light cancel. Some rough perfs, common
for this issue. Scarce postal usage. |
$1.50 |
SP87-10 |
Punched Hole, possibly remainder stamp. Centred bottom right with common
rough perfs. Decent colour and an interesting stamp. Uncommon in this state. |
$2.00 |
Scott #88
25c Dark
SP88-01 |
Mint (NG).
Generally well centred with good colour. Average to better perfs. A very attractive
looking stamp. |
SP88-02 |
Mint (OG,
Heavy HR). Generally well centred for this issue. Fresh colour and decent
perfs. Very nice looking stamp. |
SP88-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top left with darker shade. Couple of slightly blunt perfs noted
otherwise a nice looking stamp. |
SP88-04 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred high with very deep shade. Good overall perfs for this
issue. Very nice looking stamp. |
$4.00 |
SP88-05 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred slightly left. Deep colour with commonly found rough perfs.
Fresh overall appearance. |
SP88-06 |
Parrilla Cancel. Generally well centred with rough perfs, common for this issue.
Partial postal strike on top right. Scarcer usage. |
$1.75 |
SP88-07 |
Manila Star CDS. Centred left slightly. Good colour with blunt perfs mainly
on left side. Difficult postal usage and seldom seen with this particular
cancel. |
$1.50 |
SP88-08 |
Correos CDS. Centred left with blunt perfs and rounded on top right corner.
Decent colour and nice postal strike not detracting overall appearance. |
$1.75 |
SP88-09 |
Used. Correos
Manila CDS. Centred slightly bottom right. Lovely crisp partial cancel. Few
blunt perfs mainly on top and bottom. Good colour. Despite perfs, nice
looking stamp. |
$1.50 |
SP88-10 |
Telegraphic Hole Punch. Stamp centred high. Fresh
and deep colour with generally good perfs for this issue. Nice looking stamp.
Scarce usage. |
$2.00 |
SP137-01 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred low. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs. Nice overall
looking stamp. |
SP137-02 |
Mint (OG,
Light HR). Centred right slightly. Fresh colour with commonly found rough
perfs. Nice overall looking stamp. |
SP137-03 |
Mint (OG,
NH). Centred bottom right. Good colour with fresh overall appearance.
Generally good perfs for this issue. |
SP137-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred stamp with good colour and commonly found rough
perfs. Overall, a nice looking stamp. |
$0.50 |
SP137-05 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Well centred stamp with lighter shade. Common rough perfs for this
issue. Good looking stamp. |
$0.50 |
SP137-06 |
Mint (OG,
Heavy HR). Centred bottom right. Fresh colour and decent perfs for this
issue. Nice overall looking stamp. |
$0.50 |
SP137-07 |
Partial Correos CDS. Centred bottom left with light shade (dull appearance).
Commonly found rough perfs. Scarce postal usage. |
$5.00 |
SP137-08 |
Used. Correos
CDS. Centred right with good colour. Couple of light postal strikes, not
detracting overall appearance. Scarce and understated in Scott. |
$6.00 |
SP137-09 |
Indistinct Cancel. Well centred with commonly found rough perfs. Some paper adhesion
on back. Nice looking stamp. |
$4.00 |
SP137-10 |
Indistinct Cancel. Centred right with good colour. Commonly found rough perfs
noted. |
$4.00 |
1c Grey
SP138-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred low. Good colour with decent perfs for this issue. Very nice
looking stamp. |
SP138-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred. Good colour with decent perfs. Good overall
appearance. |
$0.50 |
SP138-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred top left. Good colour with decent perfs. Nice stamp. |
$0.50 |
SP138-04 |
Mint (Dry
OG, NG). Decent centring. Good colour with nice perfs. Lovely looking stamp. |
SP138-05 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Centred slightly high. Good colour. Commonly found rough perfs for
this issue. Decent stamp. |
$0.50 |
SP138-06 |
Correos CDS. Generally well centred with good colour. Odd blunt perfs noted.
Light cancel not detracting overall appearance. |
$4.00 |
SP138-07 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred bottom right. Fresh colour. Odd minor blunt perf
noted for accuracy. Lightly struck cancel not detracting overall appearance.
Very appealing stamp. |
$5.00 |
SP138-08 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred left. Good colour and decent perfs. Light cancel
not detracting overall appearance. Difficult to find postally used. |
$5.00 |
SP138-09 |
Correos CDS. Centred slightly high. Good colour with average to better perfs.
Somewhat smudged cancel, but scarce postal usage. |
$4.00 |
SP138-10 |
Correos Manila CDS. Good colour. Rough perfs and some blunt perfs on right.
Light corner cancel. Nice looking stamp. |
$4.00 |
Yellow Green
SP138a-01 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred stamp with very fresh appearance. Decent perfs for
this issue. Nice looking stamp. |
SP138a-02 |
Mint (Dry
OG, HR). Well centred with good colour. Commonly found rough perfs for this
issue. |
$0.50 |
SP138a-03 |
Mint (Dry OG,
HR). Generally well centred with good colour. Some rough perfs noted,
otherwise a nice looking stamp. |
SP138a-04 |
Mint (NG).
Centred right slightly. Fresh colour and good perfs. Lovely stamp. |
SP138a-05 |
Mint (Dry OG,
HR). Centred slightly high. Fresh and a decent stamp. |
$0.50 |
SP138a-06 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred top left with good colour and decent perfs.
Scarce postal usage. Nice looking stamp. |
$8.00 |
SP138a-07 |
Partial Correos CDS. Centred to left with fresh colour and decent perfs. Nice
light cancel not detracting overall appearance. Scarce to find postally used. |
$7.00 |
SP138a-08 |
Correos CDS. Generally well centred with light shade. Couple of blunt perfs
on top otherwise a nice stamp with light postal strike. |
$6.00 |
SP138a-09 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred left with fresh colour. Generally good to better
perfs for this issue. Scarce postal usage. |
$8.00 |
SP138a-10 |
Correos Manila CDS. Centred top eft with fresh colour. Generally good to
better perfs for this issue. Scarce postal usage. |
$8.00 |
Yellow Brown
SP139-01 |
Mint (NG,
HR). Centred left. Very fresh colour and generally decent perfs. Small thin
on reverse not showing through to front. Lovely overall looking stamp. |
$7.00 |
SP139-02 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left. Fresh colour and generally good perfs. Minor gum toning on
reverse, not affecting front appearance. |
$7.00 |
SP139-03 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left. Very good colour and generally decent perfs for this
issue. Nice looking stamp. |
$7.00 |
SP139-04 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left with bright colour and very sharp appearance. Generally
decent perfs for this issue. Very nice looking stamp. |
$7.00 |
SP139-05 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Well centred with fresh colour. Very nice perfs and a lovely looking
stamp. |
SP139-06 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Generally well centred. Fresh colour. Some blunt perfs on bottom
otherwise a very nice looking stamp. |
$6.00 |
SP139-07 |
Mint (NG).
Centred low. Good colour and average perfs, with a couple of rough perfs on
bottom noted for accuracy. Decent looking stamp. |
$6.00 |
SP139-08 |
Mint (OG,
HR). Centred left. Fresh colour and good perfs. Some minor paper adherence on
back. Very attractive stamp. |
$7.00 |
SP139-09 |