Philatelic Auction No. 10


Closing Date and Time:
Friday, August 23, 2024, 8pm UK Time (GMT)





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US Stationery
& Postal Cards

Japanese Occupation

Philippine Republic

Flight & Inbound

Fiscals & Revenues

Telegraph Stamps

Seals, Documents & Miscellaneous


Lot Number


Starting Bid (SB)
Current Bid (FP)




Scott 1. Used. 1854 5c Orange. Circle of Dots cancel. Fresh appearance with average to good margins other than a small nick on top left corner just into frame line. Nice looking stamp. Scott Cat $350.

SB - $100
FP - $140



Scott 2. Used. 1854 10c Carmine. Parrilla cancel. Good colour with average to good margins, all clear of frame lines. Small thin on bottom left just showing through to front. Otherwise, a lovely stamp. Scott Cat $250.

SB - $80
FP - $130



Scott 2a. Used. 1854 10c Pale Rose. Circle of Dots cancel. Good colour for this shade. Four decent margins, clear of all frame lines. Commonly found heavy postal strike. Scott Cat $350.

SB - $90
FP - $155



Scott 4. Used. 1854 1r Blue. Large Baeza CDS. Very fresh colour with commonly found tight margins. Corner nick on top left and just cut into on top right. Despite faults, a very attractive stamp with clean cancel. Scott Cat $300.

SB - $80
FP - $165



Scott 4 FORGERY. Mint (NG). Good colour and very wide margins. Difficult to find and a great reference for any collection. Gooding #4F1

SB - $20
FP - $91



Scott 5. Used. 1854 2r Slate Green. Circle of Dots cancel. Good colour with average margins, all clear of frame lines. Small pin hole cut towards bottom left. Average overall condition for this elusive stamp. Scott Cat $250.

SB - $80
FP - $132



Scott 8-9. Used. 1856 1r Green and 2r Carmine, both with Manila Baeza Circular Date Stamps. Average to better margins. Very nice duo. Scott Cat $275.

SB - $100
FP - $117



Scott 10 (4). Mint (Dry OG, HR). 1859 5c Vermilion. Top margin block of four with fresh colour and good margins all around. Showing all four types of this issue. Very fine and not an easy to stamp to find in multiples.

SB - $40
FP - $67



Scott 10 FORGERY. Used. 1859 5c Vermilion. Fresh colour with decent margins. With bogus Parrilla cancel. Dangerous and deceptive forgery. Gooding #10F1

SB - $15
FP - $26



Scott 10-11. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1859 5c Vermilion and 10c Lilac-Rose. Good colour with average to better margins. Nice stamps.

SB - $20
FP - $26



Scott 11. Mint (OG, HR). 1859 10c Lilac-Rose. Fresh colour with three good margins, just touching frame line on bottom left. Lovely looking stamp.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Scott 11 (4). Mint (OG, HR). 1859 10c Lilac-Rose. Bottom corner marginal Block of four, Positions 43-44 / 50-51 in the sheet of 56. Position 51 showing constant variety of extra diagonal line in hairline forming an X. Very fine, difficult to find in multiples.

SB - $50
FP - $86



Scott 11 (2) FORGERY. Used. 1859 10c Lilac-Rose. Two different forgeries, both with bogus cancellations. Excellent reference stamps. Gooding #11F1 and Gooding #11F2.

SB - $20
FP - $46



Scott 12. Mint (NG, HR). 1861 5c Vermilion. Fresh, vibrant colour with good margins for this issue. Minor diagonal crease not affecting overall appearance. Nice stamp.

SB - $15
FP - $15



Scott 12 (4). Mint (OG, HR). 1861 5c Vermilion. Fresh, vibrant colour Block of four with average to good margins, commonly found with tight margins for this issue. Minor horizontal crease on bottom section, otherwise a choice block. Scarce in multiples. Scott Cat $160 as singles.

SB - $60
FP - $116



Scott 12 (4). Used. 1861 5c Vermilion. Fresh colour Block of four tied with two Large Baeza CDS cancels (26 May 1862). Commonly found tight margins only touching on top left stamp. Scarce postally used multiple for this issue. Scott Cat $160 as singles.

SB - $80
FP - $146



Scott 13. Mint (NG, HR). 1862 5c Dull Red. Fresh colour with decent margins for this issue. Fine overall condition. Scott Cat $190.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 14. Mint (NG, HR). 1863 5c Vermilion. Fresh colour with decent margins, clear of all frame lines. Very nice looking stamp.

SB - $7
FP - $9



Scott 14. Used. 1863 5c Vermilion. Good colour with commonly found tight margins. Small Baeza CDS cancellation. Nice postally used example.

SB - $5
FP - $12



Scott 14 (4). Mint (OG, HR). 1863 5c Vermilion. Very fine Block of four, with good margins all around for this issue. Scarce in large multiples.

SB - $40
FP - $66



Scott 14 (2) FORGERY. Mint (NG) / Used. 1863 5c Vermilion. Two forgeries, used with bogus light cancel. Very nice reference stamps. Gooding #14F3.

SB - $10
FP - $13



Scott 14 FORGERY. Used. 1863 5c Vermilion. Scarce forgery of this issue with bogus cancellation. Faults including cut into on right missing section. Excellent specialist stamp. Gooding #14F4.

SB - $7
FP - $7



Scott 14-15. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1863 5c Vermilion and 10c Carmine. Good colour with average to better margins. Small thin on top left of 10c stamp, otherwise a nice pair.

SB - $20



Scott 15 (2). Mint (NG, HR). 1863 10c Carmine horizontal pair. Fresh colour with decent margins all around. Very nice looking stamps.

SB - $20
FP - $52



Scott 15, 17 FORGERY. Used. 1863 10c Carmine and 2r Blue forgeries with bogus cancellations. 10c with minor nick on top left margin. Nice duo and great specialist lot. Gooding #15F1 and Gooding #17F1.

SB - $15
FP - $16



Scott 14 FORGERY. Used. 1863 2r Blue. Fresh, vibrant colour with three good margins, cut into on left. Bogus cancellation. Gooding #17F2.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Scott 18. Mint (OG, Light HR). 1863 1r Grey-Green. Fresh colour with four good to very good margins for this issue. Seldom offered so fine. Scott Cat $600.

SB - $120
FP - $232



Scott 18, 20. Used. 1r Grey-Green and 1r Green. Parrilla Cancellations. Scott 18 with three tight margins and slightly cut into on top. Scott 20 with excellent margins and a nice looking stamp. Scott Cat $200.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 20 FORGERY. Mint (NG). 1r Green. Good colour with average margins. Major thin on reverse showing through on top right and small repaired tear on top. Scarce forgery. Gooding #20F1.

SB - $10



Scott 21 (4). Mint (NG). 1864 3-1/8c Black. Very fine Block of four, with good margins all around. Difficult to find in large multiples.

SB - $30
FP - $51



Scott 21 (3) FORGERY. Used. 1864 3-1/8c Black. Three different forgeries. First stamp with tight margins, second with right margin cutting into frame line. Excellent reference Lot. Gooding #21F1, Gooding #21F2 and Gooding #21F4.

SB - $20
FP - $30



Scott 21-24. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1864 complete set of four. Fresh colour and good margins throughout. A choice set.

SB - $15
FP - $21



Scott 21-24. Used. 1864 complete set of four. All used with Parrilla postal cancellations. Good colour and average to better margins. Nice group.

SB - $7
FP - $8



Scott 21-24 FORGERY. Used. 1864 complete set of four all with bogus grill cancellation. Good colour with average to good margins (just cutting on right side of 25c stamp). Same forgery used on each of the four values. Gooding #21F1, Gooding #22F1, Gooding #23F1, Gooding #24F1.

SB - $20
FP - $41



Scott 22 (4). Mint (OG, NH/HR). 1864 6-2/8c Green. Block of four with fresh colour with good to very good margins. Two bottom stamps are unhinged. Small thin on top left of bottom left stamp, just showing through to front. Otherwise, a nice looking block. Difficult to find in large multiples.

SB - $30
FP - $46



Scott 22 (2) FORGERY. Used. 6-2/8c Green. Two different forgeries, both with bogus cancellations. Generally fine condition for these. Gooding #22F1 and Gooding #22F4.

SB - $15
FP - $42



Scott 23 (4). Mint (Dry OG, NH/Light HR). 1864 12-4/8c Blue. Block of four with fresh, vibrant colour with good to very good margins. Bottom two stamps unhinged. Small black ink spot on left of top left stamp (not a break in margin). Very nice block. Difficult to find in large multiples.

SB - $30
FP - $41



Scott 23 (3). Used. 1864 12-4/8c Blue. Three stamps with white, flesh and salmon paper colour variations. Manuscript (pen) and Parrilla cancels. Often overlooked as varieties for this issue.

SB - $15
FP - $36



Scott 24 (4). Mint (OG, HR). 1864 25c Red. Block of four with fresh colour with Average to better margins. Bottom two stamps unhinged. Horizontal crease in centre margin, otherwise a very nice looking block. Difficult to find in large multiples.

SB - $30
FP - $52



Scott 24 (4). Used. 1864 25c Red. Block of four with good colour. Three average to good margins, just touching partly on left. Light manuscript (pen) cancel.

SB - $20
FP - $20




Scott 26. Used. 1872 HPLN on 1r Green. Light indistinct cancel. Tight margins and touching frame line on top. Average condition. One of the scarcer HPLN issues.

SB - $25
FP - $25



Scott 26 (2) FORGERY. Mint (NG, HR). 1872 HPLN on 1r Green. Good colour with average to better margins. Blue and Black HPLN overprints, applied Vertically, Reading Upward on unwatermarked 1r Antilles stamps (non-Philippine issue). Dangerous forgeries.

SB - $20
FP - $37



Scott 27. Used. 1872 HPLN on 2r Carmine. Fresh colour with three very good margins. A little tight on bottom but clear of frame line. Parrilla cancellation. Small minor thin on reverse not affecting front view. Scott Cat $225.

SB - $50
FP - $50



Scott 28. Mint (OG, light HR). 1874 HPLN on 10c Rose. Fresh colour with three good margins, just touching on left side. Inverted Overprint. Very fine and scarce as such.

SB - $40
FP - $46



Scott 28. Used. 1874 HPLN on 10c Rose. Good colour with three good margins, just touching on top. Light indistinct bottom left corner cancel, not detracting overall appearance.

SB - $15
FP - $20



Scott 30. Used. 1872 HPLN on 5c Vermilion. Fresh colour with commonly found tight perfs, clear of frame lines. Light indistinct cancel on bottom. Nice looking stamp.

SB - $15
FP - $15



Scott 34 (2). Mint (NG, HR) / Used. 1870 HPLN on 1r Green. Generally good colour with commonly found tight margins. Nice duo, second stamp with Parrilla cancel.

SB - $25
FP - $25



Scott 34-38. Used. 1868 HPLN set of four. Parrilla cancellations. Good colour and average to very good margins. A nice set.

SB - $20
FP - $20



Scott 36 (4). Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1868 HPLN on 6-2/8c Green. Good to fresh colour with generally good margins. Four overprint positions: Normal, Vertical Reading Upward, Vertical Reading Downward and Inverted. Lovely specialist lot.

SB - $25
FP - $28




Scott 39-42. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1871 Allegorical set of four. Good colour with commonly found centring. 20c with mark on revere (most likely from old hinge) causing somewhat partial dull appearance) and 40c with one pulled perf on top left. A difficult set to assemble in unused condition. Scott Cat $395.

SB - $90
FP - $90



Scott 39-42. Used. 1871 Allegorical set of four. Fresh colour throughout with average to better centring. 5c with a few rough perfs, otherwise a generally fine group. Not an easy set to complete. Scott Cat $100.

SB - $30
FP - $35



Scott 39, 40, 42 FORGERY. Mint (NG). 1871 Allegorical forgeries. 5c Blue (Imperf), 10c Green (Perf) and 40c Rose (Imperf). Segui forgeries. Some minor toning on bottom perfs of 10c and 40c with tight left margin. Great reference lot.

SB - $10
FP - $16



Scott 39, 42 (2), 52, 63, 84 FORGERY. Mint (NG, HR) / Used. Six different Segui forgeries on the Allegorical and King Alfonso XII issues between 1871 and 1880. Average to good condition. Great reference lot.

SB - $20
FP - $43



Scott 43-47. Mint (NG, HR). 1872 King Amadeo complete set. Good colour throughout with average to better centring. 12c and 1p25c with toning around perfs. 1p25c with a few blunt perf on left. Average overall condition. Scott Cat $348.

SB - $50
FP - $73



Scott 43-47. Used. 1872 King Amadeo issue complete set. Average to better colour with light cancellations. 25c and 1p25c with manuscript (pen) cancellations. Decent looking set.

SB - $20
FP - $25



Scott 46 ESSAY. Mint (NG). 1872 King Amadeo 62c Black Imperforate Essay. Fresh, vibrant colour with four excellent margins. A very scarce stamp and much sought after.

SB - $50
FP - $86



Scott 47 (2). Mint (NG, HR). 1872 King Amadeo 1p25c. Two distinct shades, yellow-brown and chestnut. Generally good centring with commonly found rough perfs. Nice duo and includes the scarcer darker shade of this issue. Scott Cat $170.

SB - $40
FP - $46



Edifil NE2 (2). Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1873 King Amadeo Unissued 12c Blue. Fresh colour with average to better perfs. Normal issue and Ministerio de Ultramar / Muestras (Specimen) overprint on second stamp. Unissued stamp of the 1873 set which was withdrawn on the abdication of Amadeo in February 1873. Scarce.

SB - $50
FP - $50



Edifil NE3 (2). Mint (NG, HR). 1873 King Amadeo Unissued 62c Rose. Fresh colour with generally good perfs. Normal issue and Ministerio de Ultramar / Muestras (Specimen) overprint on second stamp. Unissued stamp of the 1873 set which was withdrawn on the abdication of Amadeo in February 1873. Scarce.

SB - $50




Scott 48-51. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1874 First Spanish Republic complete set. Average to better colour. 12c with pulled perf on bottom right corner. 1p25c with some blunt perfs. A difficult set to complete. Scott Cat $395.

SB - $50
FP - $63



Scott 48-51. Used. 1874 First Spanish Republic complete set. Good colour and decent perfs for this issue. A very nice set and scarcely seen so fine.

SB - $45
FP - $45




Scott 52-58. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1875-1877 Alfonso XII complete set. Average to better colour. Mixed centring with commonly found rough perfs. Only 12c with gum, others unused. 2c blue with very minor face scrape on just above S on top frame line. 20c with blunt perfs on top right. Scott Cat $331.

SB - $60
FP - $60



Scott 52-58. Used. 1875-1877 Alfonso XII complete set. Average to better overall condition. 2c blue with light shade and indistinct cancel. A difficult set to complete. Scott Cat $130.

SB - $40



Scott 52, 54, 57 SPECIMEN. Mint (NG, HR). 1875-1877 Alfonso XII stamps overprinted Ministerio de Ultramar / Muestras (Specimen). 2c with rounded perf on bottom left corner. Otherwise, a very nice trio. Scarce and seldom offered.

SB - $60
FP - $105



Scott 53, 55, 56, 58 PROOF. Mint (NG, HR). 1876-1877 Alfonso XII Imperforate Proofs. Includes the scarce 2c blue stamp. Good to very fresh colour. Average to better margins. A scarce group of much sought after proofs.

SB - $60
FP - $60




Scott 56 COVER. 12c Lilac on cover from Manila to Elche, Alicante, Spain with Manila Star (16 May 1876) departure circular date stamp on front. Stamp affixed to back and tied with same cancel. Elche (9 July 1876) receiving circular backstamp. Rough opening on top causing tear on top section. Nice cover paying single weight rate to Spain. All covers of this period are difficult to come by. Provenance: Antonio Cuesta collection.

SB - $100



Scott 59. Mint (NG). 1877 Alfonso XII 12c on 2c Rose. Base stamp with fresh colour, centred left and commonly found rough or somewhat blunt perfs. Nice centrally struck surcharge. Average overall condition.

SB - $25
FP - $25



Scott 59a. Mint (NG). 1877 Alfonso XII 12c on 2c Rose with Inverted Surcharge. Base stamp with fresh colour, centred left. Minor thin on top left corner causing a couple of pulled perfs. Despite fault, a very nice looking stamp. Scarce and seldom offered. Ex Fred Freeman Collection. Scott Cat $400.

SB - $150
FP - $150



Scott 60. Mint (OG, HR). 1879 Alfonso XII 12c on 25m Black. Base stamp with fresh colour, centred left and very good perfs for this issue. Nicely struck surcharge.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 60 FORGERY. Mint (OG, Light HR). 1879 Alfonso XII 12c on 25m Black. Base stamp with fresh colour, well centred and average perfs. Forged surcharge, showing unaligned H and 1 on left. Dangerous forgery and a great reference stamp

SB - $8
FP - $8



Scott 62-65, 67-69, 71. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1878-1879 Alfonso XII. Short set of eight different stamps. Good to very good colour with average centring. 25m green with round top left corner otherwise a decent group of stamps. High catalog value.

SB - $60
FP - $60



Scott 62, 64, 66, 69 PROOF. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1878-1879 Alfonso XII Imperforate Proofs. Includes the scarcer 100m carmine stamp. 200m with 1974 American Philatelic Society certificate (No. 19699). Scarce and much sought after.

SB - $80



Scott 63 (4) FORGERY. Mint (OG, NH/HR). 1879 Alfonso XII 25m Green Imperf Block of Four Segui forgery. Hinged on top two stamps. Fresh colour and average to better margins, clear of all frame lines. Excellent reference lot.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Scott 65 PRINTERS WASTE. Mint (Dry OG, HR). 1878 Alfonso XII 62.5m Grey top margin Imperf Printers Waste, with second imprint inverted. Very fine and scarce.

SB - $15
FP - $19



Scott 72-73. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1879 Alfonso XII UPU issue, set of two with small surcharge type. 2c with fresh colour and well centred (NG), 8c with good colour, centred right with commonly found rough or blunt perfs (OG). Nice duo

SB - $30



Scott 76-83, 85-88. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1880-1886 Alfonso XII short set, missing Scott 84 (10c green). Good to fine condition, with the odd rough perfs common to stamps of this issue.

SB - $25
FP - $25




Scott 79 PERFIN. Used. 1883 Alfonso XII 2-4/8c Ultramarine with SB & Co (Smith Bell and Company) Perfin, Position A. Faded stamp giving more of a grey appearance. Light partial Correos CDS. Very scarce and seldom offered.

SB - $50



Scott 84 (2) FORGERY. Mint (Dry OG, HR). 1880 Alfonso XII 10c Green Segui perforated and imperforate forgeries. Some minor toning and markings noted on both stamps. Much sought after reference stamps.

SB - $8
FP - $8



Scott 86 COVER. 1882 Alfonso XII 12-4/8c Rose on partial mourning cover front. Paying single weight rate from Manila to Malaga, Spain with 31 March 1883 circular date stamp cancels. Stamp heavily faded and soiled with toning noted on cover. Despite faults, a difficult stamp on cover.

SB - $10
FP - $22



Scott 137 (15). Mint (OG, NH). 1887 Alfonso XII 50m Bistre bottom right marginal Block of Fifteen. Fresh and generally fine overall condition. Scarce in larger multiples.

SB - $10
FP - $10




Scott 89 (3) ERROR. Mint (NG, HR). 1881 2c on 2-1/2c Black Surcharge. Three stamps all with overprint errors. First two stamps showing doubling of surcharge. Third stamp with double surcharge, both inverted. Generally fine and a scarce group. American Philatelic Society Certificate (No. 213380) for the third stamp stating genuine in all respects.

SB - $30
FP - $53



Scott 89 FORGERY. Mint (NG). 1881 2c on 2-1/2c Black Surcharge. Base stamp with fresh colour and well centred. Surcharge manipulated by altering the 2 to appear as 8 (unlisted surcharge value on this issue). Dangerous forgery.

SB - $10
FP - $31



Scott 89, 92 (2), 129, 135 FORGERY. Mint (NG) / Used. Six 1881-1888 Surcharged stamps, all with forged surcharges. Five Scott listed stamps plus additional unlisted 1r on 250m Ultramarine issue. Odd minor perf faults, otherwise a very nice group and great study or specialist lot.

SB - $20
FP - $37



Scott 89-94. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1881-1888 complete issue of Black Surcharges. Generally good colour and average to better perfs. Scott 92 with rough perfs on bottom and slight foxing from disturbed gum. Difficult group to assemble. Scott Cat $165.

SB - $40
FP - $52



Scott 91 (2). Mint (OG, HR) / Used. 1887 10c on 2-4/8c Black Surcharge. Two stamps showing distinct surcharge types (PG-19 and PG-21). Interesting.

SB - $10



Scott 92 ERROR. Mint (NG). 1883 20c on 8c Black Surcharge. Base stamp with fresh colour and well centred. Inverted surcharge error. Very fine.

SB - $15
FP - $23



UNLISTED. Used. 1881-1888 1r on 25c Black Surcharge, Unlisted in Scott. With light manuscript (pen) cancel. Base stamp with good colour and decent perfs, some toning noted on perfs for accuracy. Surcharge possibly of doubtful status. Sold As Is.

SB - $15
FP - $91



Scott 92, 94a, 96, 98, 99, 102-104. Mint (OG/NG, HR) / Used. Eight 1881-1888 Surcharged stamps. Base stamps with good colour and decent perfs throughout. Better surcharges noted. Includes scarce Scott 94a. Lovely group.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 93 (2) FORGERY. Used. 1883 1r on 2c Black Surcharge. Horizontal pair, with Telegraph Hole Punch cancels. Base stamps with fresh, vibrant colour and average perfs. Forged surcharge most noticeable from wide A in PA noted. Nice reference lot.

SB - $8
FP - $18



Scott 94 ERROR. Used. 1883 2r on 2-4/8c Black Surcharge. Base stamp centred left with good colour and decent perfs. Clear Double Surcharge strike.

SB - $15



Scott 94a. Mint (Dry OG, HR). 1883 2r on 2-4/8c Black Surcharge. Base stamp well centred with good colour and decent perfs. Lovely clear surcharge strike. Scarce PG-30 Surcharge Type.

SB - $30
FP - $51



Scott 95-99. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1881-1888 issues of Green Surcharges (excludes Scott 95A). Generally good colour. Scott 97 with foxing and rounded perf on bottom left corner. Otherwise a very nice group.

SB - $30
FP - $30



Scott 96 ERROR. Mint (NG). 1883 10c on 2c Green Surcharge. Base stamp centred top right with foxing noted. Inverted Surcharge error. Scarce.

SB - $15



Scott 99 ERROR. Used. 1883 1r on 8c Green Surcharge. Base stamp generally well centred with decent perfs for this issue. Inverted Surcharge error. Scarce.

SB - $20



Scott 100-111. Mint (OG/NG, HR). Twelve 1881-1888 Surcharged stamps. Base stamps with good colour and decent perfs throughout. Better surcharges noted. Very nice selection.

SB - $30



Scott 102 ERROR. Mint (NG). 1883 16c on 2-4/8c Red Surcharge. Base stamp centred bottom left with very good perfs. Clear Double Surcharge error.

SB - $15
FP - $22



Scott 103 ERROR. Used. 1883 1r on 2c Red Surcharge. Base stamp well centred with good perfs. Nicely struck Parrilla postal cancel. Inverted Surcharge error.

SB - $15
FP - $21



UNLISTED. Mint (Dry OG, HR). 1881-1888 1r on 5c Yellow Surcharge, Unlisted in Scott. Base stamp well centred with a couple of minor blunt perfs on bottom right noted for accuracy. Very scarce.

SB - $50
FP - $115



Scott 105 (2), 106 ERROR. Used. 1887 8c on 2-4/8c Magenta Surcharge. First and second stamps with Surcharge Double error. Third stamp with Inverted Surcharge error. Left stamp with rough and blunt perfs on right, otherwise average to better overall condition. Excellent specialist group.

SB - $30
FP - $41



Scott 108, 109, 136 ERROR. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1888 2-4/8c Magenta Surcharges. Scott 108 well centred base stamp with Inverted Surcharge. Scott 109 well centred base stamp with pulled perfs on top right and bottom right corners, with Double Surcharge. Scott 136 generally well centred base stamp with Double Surcharge. Difficult stamps to find with surcharge errors. Nice trio.

SB - $30
FP - $41



Scott 110 (4) ERROR. Mint (Streaky OG, NH). 1888 2-4/8c on 50m Magenta Surcharge. Block of Four with bottom two stamps showing Inverted Surcharge errors. Fresh and fine. Showcase item.

SB - $40
FP - $51



Scott 112 (2) ERROR. Mint (NG). 1881 2c on 10c Black Surcharge. Base stamps with good colour and decent perfs. Left stamp with Doubled Surcharge and right stamp with Double Surcharge, one Inverted. A lovely duo.

SB - $30
FP - $71



Scott 114. Used. 1881 2-4/8c on 2r Black Surcharge. Base stamp centred bottom left with good colour and commonly found rough or blunt perfs. Indistinct blue cancel. Surcharge Inverted error. Very scarce. Scott Cat $140 for normal used stamp.

SB - $50
FP - $88



Scott 115 ERROR. Mint (NG). 1881 8c on 10c Black Surcharge. Base stamp generally well centred with good colour. Rough and blunt perfs on right and rounded corner perf on bottom left corner. Double Surcharge error. A very scarce stamp. Scott Cat $550 as regular issue.

SB - $100
FP - $340



Scott 118 ERROR. Mint (NG). 1883 1r on 12-4/8c Black Surcharge. Base stamp centred bottom left with fresh colour and decent perfs. Nice centrally struck Inverted Surcharge. Very fine and scarce.

SB - $20
FP - $20



Scott 122 ERROR. Used. 1883 1r on 10c Green Surcharge. Base stamp centred left with commonly found rough or blunt perfs. Foxing and some toning on perfs. Inverted Surcharge error. Partial Correos CDS and Revisado handstamp.

SB - $10
FP - $19



Scott 124 FORGERY. Used. 1883 1r on 12-4/8c Red Surcharge. Base stamp centred bottom left with good colour and decent perfs. Forged surcharge and doubtful Certificado cancellation. Interesting reference stamp.

SB - $8
FP - $21



Scott 126 ERROR. Mint (OG, NH). 1883 1ron 10p Red Surcharge. Base stamp centred left with good colour. Round perf on top left and bottom right corners. Nicely struck Inverted Surcharge. Scarce.

SB - $25
FP - $61



Scott 127B ERROR. Mint (NG). 1883 1r on 1r Red Surcharge. Base stamp generally well centred with fresh colour and good perfs. Inverted Surcharge. Very scarce. Scott Cat $700 as normal surcharge stamp.

SB - $150
FP - $570



Scott 129. Mint (NG). 1883 1r on 200m Red Surcharge. Base stamp generally well centred with good colour and average perfs. Nice centrally struck surcharge. Very scarce and missing in a lot of collections. Scott Cat $600.

SB - $125
FP - $217



Scott 133. Used. 1883 20c on 250m Black Surcharge. Base stamp generally well centred with fresh colour and good perfs. Telegraph Hole punch. Scarce. Scott Cat $375 as postally used.

SB - $100



Scott 133 (2) FORGERY. Used. 1883 20c on 250m Black Surcharge. Base stamps with good colour and average to good centring with decent perfs. Both with forged Double Surcharges. Used with Telegraph Hole punches. Nice reference stamps.

SB - $20
FP - $56



Scott 136 (10). Mint (OG, NH). 1888 2-4/8c on 1c Magenta Surcharge. Block of Ten with good colour and generally fine overall condition. Minor Horizontal perf separation on left stamps. Scarce in large multiples.

SB - $10
FP - $39




Scott 140-180. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1890-1897 Alfonso XIII complete set including two types of 2c stamps and 20c with both rose and salmon shades. Better overall condition and a difficult set to complete. Scott Cat Value $200+.

SB - $75
FP - $110



Scott 140, 150, 153 VARIETY. Mint (OG/NG, HR) / Used. 1892 Alfonso XIII issues. 1c Violet (tone spot on top left) with Period after A of FILIPINAS (sheet position 14). 2-4/8c Olive-Grey with colourless chip in P of FILIPINAS (sheet position 130). 5c Green with period between 5 and C in value tablet (sheet position 37). Good colour with commonly found rough perfs for these issues. Nice specialist lot.

SB - $15
FP - $21



Scott 141 (4). Mint (OG, NH). 1894 Alfonso XIII 1c Rose bottom marginal B/4. Fresh colour, centred low, otherwise generally very fine. Scott Cat $70 as singles.

SB - $25
FP - $25



Scott 142 (4). Mint (OG, NH). 1896 Alfonso XIII 1c Blue-Green B/4. Vibrant colour, centred left, with generally good perfs for this issue. Difficult to find in multiples.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Scott 143 (4). Mint (OG, NH). 1897 Alfonso XIII 1c Claret B/4. Fresh colour with decent perfs for this issue. Shifted vertical perfs cutting through right margin. Very nice. Scott Cat $64 as singles.

SB - $15
FP - $15



Scott 143 SPECIMEN. Mint (OG, HR). 1897 Alfonso XIII 1c Claret. Generally well centred with fresh colour and commonly found rough perfs. Overprint MUESTRA (Specimen) Type 5. Very nice looking stamp. Scarcer issue.

SB - $10



Scott 144 (2) PROOF. Mint (OG, NH). 1894 Alfonso XIII 2c Claret Proof in Imperforate horizontal pair. Very fresh colour and good overall margins. Very fine.

SB - $75
FP - $77



Scott 153, 161, 164, 169, P5, P9. Mint (OG/NG, HR). Six King Alfonso XIII stamps all overprinted with MUESTRA (Specimen) Type 2. Good colour and average to better perfs. Nice group.

SB - $30
FP - $61



Scott 155, 164 (2), 166 (3), 170, 176, P7, P12, P19 SPECIMEN. Mint (OG/NG, HR). Eleven King Alfonso XIII stamps all overprinted with MINISTERIO DE ULTRAMAR / MUESTRAS (Specimen) Type 3. Generally fine overall condition for these issues. Scarce group and much sought after specialist lot.

SB - $50
FP - $126



Scott 162 COVER. Cover from Manila to Floha, Sachsen, Germany with 8c Red-Brown stamp paying single weight overseas rate, tied with indistinct Correos Manila (1895) Circular Date Stamp. Floha (?? August 1895) Receiving Circular Date backstamp. Generally fine overall condition.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 162 COVER. Cover from Manila to Rendsburg, Germany with 8c Red-Brown stamp paying single weight overseas rate, tied with Correos Manila (29 September 1897) Circular Date Stamp. Rendsburg (27 October 1897) Receiving Circular Date backstamp. Fine condition for this period.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 162 (2) COVER. Cover from Manila to Floha, Sachsen, Germany with pair of 8c Red-Brown stamps paying double weight overseas rate, tied with Correos Manila (?? 1894) Circular Date Stamps. Floha (10 September 1894) Receiving Circular Date backstamp. Generally fine appearance for covers of this period.

SB - $50
FP - $56




Scott 164 COVER. 10c Pale Claret on cover from La Union, Pangasinan to Paris, France. Stamp tied with Correos / Union (22 July 1892) circular date stamp. Manila Transit (26 July 1892) circular date backstamp. Paquebot (2 August 1892) red dated cancel on front. Paris circular date receiving backstamp. Foxing and toning noted. Scarce original and a nice overall looking cover. Provenance: Antonio Cuesta collection.

SB - $120
FP - $195



Scott 176 (4). Mint (OG, NH). 1896 Alfonso XIII 20c Orange Block of Four. Fresh colour, well centred and very good perfs for this issue. A choice block, and scarce in multiples.

SB - $10
FP - $41



Scott 179 SPECIMEN. Mint (OG, HR). 1897 Alfonso XIII 40c Dark Violet. Centred top left with fresh colour and commonly found rough perfs. Overprinted MUESTRA (Specimen) Type 5. Lovely looking stamp. Scarcer issue.

SB - $15
FP - $26



Scott 192-211. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1898 Alfonso XIII complete set. Good colour throughout with average to better perfs. Very good centring for this issue. A very nice looking set. Scott Cat $116.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Scott 192-196 SPECIMEN. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 1898 Alfonso XIII 1m to 5m Orange-Brown. Fresh colour, generally well centred, with commonly found rough perfs. Each with MUESTRA (Specimen) overprint (Type 5). 2m with slight foxing due to gum disturbance. Otherwise, a nice group.

SB - $10
FP - $13



Scott 197 (2). Mint (OG, NH). 1898 Alfonso XIII 1c Black-Violet horizontal Gutter pair. Fresh and very well centred. Very nice and difficult to come by.

SB - $7
FP - $7



Scott 199 (9). Mint (OG, NH). 1898 Alfonso XIII 3c Dark Brown horizontal Gutter block of nine. Fresh colour and good perfs. Very nice.

SB - $5




Scott 202 COVER. 6c Dark Blue on cover from Manila to Novelda, then redirected to Albacete, Spain. Stamp tied with Correos / Manila (12 March 1898) circular date stamp. Aldecoa Company handstamp on reverse also dated 12 March 1898. Novelda (10 April 1898) Forwarding and Albacete (10 April 1898) receiving circular date backstamps. Commonly found creased edges, otherwise a nice and scarce usage of the last Spanish issue. Provenance: Antonio Cuesta collection.

SB - $120
FP - $260



Scott 209 (5). Mint (OG, NH). 1898 Alfonso XIII 80c Red-Brown horizontal strip of five. Fresh colour and good perfs for this issue. Interesting minor shift of vertical perfs on stamps three, four and five, causing wide right margin. Some streaky gum noted, otherwise a very nice looking strip. Scarce in multiples.

SB - $20



Scott P17 PROOF. Mint (OG, HR). 1890 Alfonso XIII 5m Dark Violet Imperf Proof. Fresh colour with very good margins. Scarce, with most of these proofs found cancelled with bogus circular date stamps.

SB - $25
FP - $31



Scott P18. Used. 1892 Alfonso XIII 5m Green. Good colour with some rough perfs on top, commonly found on this issue. Light partial Correos circular date stamp. A very scarce postally used stamp. Scott Cat $75.

SB - $25
FP - $25




Edifil 2. Unused. 1878 Alfonso XII 3c on 50c Red-Brown Postal Card. Nice overall appearance for this card.

SB - $20
FP - $20




Edifil 2. Unused. 1878 Alfonso XII 3c on 50c Red-Brown Postal Card. With broken e in en (showing as cn) on bottom inscription. Nice overall appearance for this card.

SB - $25
FP - $41




Edifil 3, 3a. Unused. 1881 Alfonso XII 3c Rose and 3c Dark Rose Postal Cards. Second card with edge toning.

SB - $10
FP - $17



Edifil 3 VARIETY. Unused. 1881 Alfonso XII 3c Rose Postal Card. Variety with Short Downward Staff on U of ULTRAMAR. Very fine and clean.

SB - $10
FP - $18



Edifil 4a. Used. 1889 Alfonso XII 2c Brown Postal Card. Variety, with wider 2mm spacing between T and L of POSTAL. Used from Manila to Stuttgart, Germany, with indistinct Correos Manila circular date stamp. Corner creases, mainly on top left and some minor edge foxing. Blank reverse. Most likely cancelled for philatelic purposes.

SB - $20
FP - $20



Edifil 5. Used. 1889 Alfonso XII Intact 3c + 3c Carmine Intact Postal Card. Variety, with wider 2mm spacing between T and L of POSTAL. Used from Manila to Erfurt, Germany with Correos Manila (29 April 1890) circular date stamps. Erfurt (1 June 1890) receiving CDS. Minor foxing noted, otherwise generally fine. Blank reverse, most likely philatelic in nature.

SB - $40
FP - $40



Edifil 7. Unused. 1892 Alfonso XIII 3c Orange Postal Card. Somewhat heavy foxing noted. Average overall condition.

SB - $10
FP - $36



Edifil 8. Unused. 1894 Alfonso XIII 2c Carmine Postal Card. Some edge foxing noted, otherwise a nice looking card.

SB - $10
FP - $11



Edifil 9. Used. 1894 Alfonso XIII 3c Dark Blue Postal Card. Correos de Filipinas circular cancel on unaddressed card, blank reverse. Most likely cancelled for philatelic purposes.

SB - $10
FP - $26



Edifil 10. Unused. 1896 Alfonso XIII 2c Blue Postal Card. Minor tone mark in centre on top margin and very minor corner crease on bottom right. Generally fine.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Edifil 11. Unused. 1896 Alfonso XIII 3c Brown Postal Card. Some toning and foxing, mainly around edges. Minor tone mark in centre on top margin. Average condition.

SB - $10
FP - $10




Edifil 11. Used. 1896 Alfonso XIII 3c Brown Postal Card. Manuscript Cebu (26 September 1896) departure on redirected card to Munchen, Germany. Muenchen (30 October 1896 and 31 October 1896) receiving circular date stamps. Circular 248 and 345 handstamps noted. Vertical centre fold. Lovely card and scarce to find used.

SB - $40
FP - $62



Edifil 12. Unused. 1898 Alfonso XIII 5m Carmine Postal Card. Very fine and sound card. Scarce as such.

SB - $10
FP - $10




Edifil 12 (2) VARIETY. Unused. 1898 Alfonso XIII 5m Carmine Postal Card. Fine overall condition on both cards. Two printing types, one on thin paper one on thicker paper.

SB - $10
FP - $16



Edifil 13. Unused. 1898 Alfonso XIII 1c Green Postal Card. Minor tone spots on top right corner. Two hinge remains on reverse. Nice overall looking card.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Edifil 14. Used. 1898 Alfonso XIII 2c Violet Postal Card. Unaddressed card with purple Correos de Filipinas circular cancel. Blank reverse. Most likely cancelled for philatelic purposes.

SB - $10
FP - $26



Edifil 15. Unused. 1898 Alfonso XIII 3c Red-Brown Postal Card. Very fine and sound card. Scarce card and seldom offered as nice.

SB - $15
FP - $26



Edifil 16. Unused. 1898 Alfonso XIII 5m + 5m Carmine Intact Postal Card. Very fine and sound card. Scarce as such.

SB - $15
FP - $15



Edifil 16. Used. 1898 Alfonso XIII 5m + 5m Carmine Intact Postal Card. Unaddressed card with Correos de Filipinas circular cancel on outbound card. Blank reverse. Very fine for this issue. Most likely cancelled for philatelic purposes.

SB - $10
FP - $13



Edifil 17. Used. 1898 Alfonso XIII 1c + 1c Green Intact Postal Card. Unaddressed card with Correos de Filipinas circular cancel on outbound card. Blank reverse. Very minor edge toning, otherwise fine. Most likely cancelled for philatelic purposes.

SB - $10
FP - $13



Edifil 18. Unused. 1898 Alfonso XIII 2c + 2c Violet Postal Card. Small black ink spot in centre on top just above frame line. Some minor edge foxing noted for accuracy. Nice looking card. Position Number 5.

SB - $15
FP - $18





Scott Y1. Used. 2c Red with lined background. Fresh, vibrant colour, very well centred with very good perfs. Manuscript (Pen) cancel. Very scarce and very much sought after stamp. Seldom offered so fine. Scott Cat $300.

SB - $200
FP - $405



Scott Y2 COVER. 2c Red paying single rate domestic rate on small cover to Bacoor, Cavite. Tied with Triangular Grid Lined cancel (known to have been used in Cavite). Rectangular Boxed CORREOS handstamp on front and reverse of cover. Very fine for this period. Scarce cover.

SB - $200
FP - $870




Scott Y2 (8), YF1 (4), YP1 (4), YP1a (4), Telegrafos (8). Mint (OG/NG, NH/HR). Seven Blocks of Four. 2c stamps with distinct light and bright red shades. A nice group of these much sought after stamps.

SB - $15
FP - $22



Scott Y2, YP1a, Telegrafos (3). Unused / Used. Group of five stamps stuck on partial old stamp album page. Bottom right stamp showing bisect on piece with Correos de Filipinas cancel. Sold As Is. Interesting.

SB - $80
FP - $160



Scott Y3. Mint (NG). 2c red Correos y Telegraphos. Fresh colour and generally well centred with very good perfs. A choice stamp and seldom seen so fine. Scarce. Scott Cat $150.

SB - $75
FP - $78



Scott YF1 (2) FORGERY. Mint (NG). 8c Green vertical pair with gutter in between. Imperf on top and bottom. Privately perforated from a known imperf forgery printed in small sheet of six stamps (3 rows x 2 vertical stamps) with wide margin between stamps. Still a very appealing stamp.

SB - $15
FP - $56



Scott YF1a FORGERY. Mint (NG). 8c Green top right marginal corner imperf single. Stamp from a known imperf forgery printed in small sheet of six stamps (3 rows x 2 vertical stamps) with wide margin between stamps. A deceptive forgery.

SB - $10
FP - $51



Scott YP1 (15), YP1a (8). Mint (OG/NG, HR). Nice group of twenty-three 1m Black stamps some with better known constant printing flaws (as indicated in the scan). Nice lot for sorting or for the specialist.

SB - $10
FP - $10



Scott YP1a (2) VARIETY. Mint (NG). 1m Black Imperf stamps. Left stamp printed on thick yellowish paper (~0.12mm) and right stamp printed on regular thinner paper. Interesting duo and a great specialist lot.

SB - $30



Scott YP1a (4). Used. 1m Black imperf Block of Four. Fresh colour with very good margins all around. With bogus purple cancel. Striking and great reference stamp.

SB - $10
FP - $10




OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. 1898 full page document divided into four quarter sections, three used. Candaba (21 September 1898) manuscript notation. Kapampangan / Kandava (Candaba) official handstamp on front. Possibly sent as a stampless letter with SR (Servicio Real) manuscript notation. Toning noted and common rough edges. Otherwise, a very nice looking document.

SB - $40
FP - $110




PAPEL SELLADO. 1898-1899 Class 12, 5c Black papel sellado (N. 1,852,261) used as official document. One page divided into four sections. San Isidro (10 August 1898) usage with Panguluhang Militar / Nueva Ecija circular handstamp. Generally fine for this type of document. Most likely sent as a stampless letter with the SR (Servicio Real) manuscript notation. Very nice and interesting.

SB - $40
FP - $140




OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. 1898 two page document divided into four used sections. Buenavista (11 July 1898) Consejo Popular KKK Arao black circular handstamp. Villasis (11 July 1898) Presidencia Local Villasis handstamp. Additional Office of Adjutant General / War Department dated 27 October 1901 handstamp. Vertical and horizontal filing folds. Paperclip mark noted, otherwise a very nice and interesting document. Very scarce.

SB - $40
FP - $130




OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. 1899 two page document divided into three used sections. Blue-Green Presidencia Provincial Amburayan handstamp on top left with additional Republica Filipinas triangular circular handstamp. Bautista (11 June 1899) manuscript date on page two. Office of Adjutant General / War Department handstamp on back page. Vertical and horizontal filing folds, otherwise generally fine for documents of this period.

SB - $40
FP - $130




OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. 1899 two page document on half sized document paper. Black Presidencia Provincial Abra official handstamp on first page. Bangued (27 June 1899 manuscript notation on second page. Vertical filing folds, otherwise a beautiful looking document.

SB - $30
FP - $96




OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. 1899 Half page document divided into four quarter sections. San Juan (9 November 1899) manuscript by Luis de Ocampo. Presidencia Local / Nueva Ecija / S.Juan black official handstamps. Possibly sent as a stampless letter with the S.P.A. Urgentisimo manuscript notation. Tear in centre and commonly found rough edges. Foxing and toning noted, common for this period. Very unusual.

SB - $30
FP - $96




OFFICIAL DOCUMENT. 1901 two page document divided into two used sections. Black Ejercito Nacional Filipino / Estado Mayor Iloilo letterhead printing on top left with corresponding OPERACIONES MRES DE PANAY / Estado Mayor blue circular handstamp on bottom left. Dated 30 July 1900, being late usage for the Aguinaldo documents. Most likely sent as a stampless letter with the SRM (Servicio Real Militar) manuscript notation. Common edge faults and somewhat fragile paper, otherwise a beautiful document.

SB - $40
FP - $96




Bohol Provisional. Mint (NG). Sello Postal Provisional, Bohol stamp issue. Four very good margins and fresh overall appearance. Very scarce. Ex Fred Freeman collection.

SB - $100
FP - $505



La Union Provisional. Mint (OG, HR). 1/8c Alfonso XIII Orange-Brown (Scott P7) stamp surcharged with Correos / 98 / 25 Cent in black. Fresh colour with commonly found rough perfs and a couple of blunt perfs on top right corner. Very scarce.

SB - $25
FP - $76



Panay Provisional. Mint (NG). 4c Black. Fresh colour with typical rough perfs for this issue. A very scarce and much sought after stamp. Ex Fred Freeman collection.

SB - $75
FP - $185



Zamboanga Provisional (5) FORGERY. Mint (OG, NH). 8c Alfonso XIII stamp (Scott 203) horizontal gutter strip of five. First four stamps and gutter with bogus 1898 Resellado overprint. Right stamp with missing overprint. Dangerous forgery.

SB - $10
FP - $230



Zamboanga Provisional (2) FORGERY. Mint (OG/NG, HR). 80c and 1p Alfonso XIII 1898 stamps (Scott 209-210), both with bogus overprint. 80c unlisted value in Edifil and 1p with inverted overprint. Great reference stamps.

SB - $10
FP - $41




Carolinas. Used. 12-4/8c King Alfonso XII 1882 issue (Scott 86) with official cancel unique to the Carolinas Islands. Good colour with commonly found rough perfs on base stamp. Very scarce.

SB - $50
FP - $50



Marianas. Used. 10c King Alfonso XII 1882 issue (Scott 85) with elliptical dotted cancel unique to use in the Marianas Islands. Fresh colour, centred right with good perfs. A very small thin on reverse, not showing through to front. Very scarce usage.

SB - $75
FP - $110






US FORERUNNER COVER. 1c and 2c US stamps used on domestic commercial cover from Manila to Iloilo. 2c stamp tied with Military Station No. 1 (27 October 1898) Duplex cancel. Some toning on top of cover and part of back flap missing. Lovely looking cover and scarce early domestic Military mail. Provenance: Antonio Cuesta collection.

SB - $50
FP - $280



US FORERUNNER COVER. 5c and 10c US stamps used on Soldiers Letter cover from Manila to Pasadena, California, USA. Both stamps tied with Military Station No. 1 (15 May 1899) Duplex cancels. Indistinct wax seal on reverse with Pasadena (27 June 1899) Receiving circular dated backstamp alongside. Roughly opened on sides and some foxing noted. Very scarce cover with use of the 15c stamp. Great Military Station specialist cover.

SB - $150
FP - $150



STAMPLESS COVER. Stampless Soldiers Letter Cover from Manila to Iowa, USA with purple Angeles Military Station Duplex cancel (Baker C-4). 2c US Postage Due stamp affixed on arrival with small manuscript (pen) cancel. Generally fine for this issue. Scarce military cancel. Philatelic Foundation certificate (No. 546409) previously issued but not included with this lot. Accessible at the following Link.

SB - $75
FP - $96



Scott 212. Mint (OG, Light HR). 1899 50c Orange. Fresh colour and generally well centred with excellent perfs. A lovely looking stamp Scott Cat $300.

SB - $100
FP - $155



Scott 213 (2) COVER. Two 1c Yellow-Green stamps tied to cover from Manila to Evanston, Illinois, USA with Military Station No. 1 (21 April 1900) Duplex cancel (Baker C-7). Some minor tone spots noted and a few minor dings on edges. A very appealing cover.

SB - $30



Scott 213-222. Used. 1899-1901 Regular issues, all with good colour. Average centring and some commonly found blunt perfs noted. A very nice group and generally better condition for these. Scott Cat $450.

SB - $90



Scott 214. Used on part Soldiers Cover tied with Manila (20 July 1899) Military Station No. 1 (Baker C-2). Some edge faults otherwise a nice piece with early usage of this issue.

SB - $20
FP - $20



Scott 214 COVER. 1899 2c Red Regular issue on cover from Angeles to USA. Tied with Military Station Angeles (3 March 1900) Duplex cancel (Baker C-4). Overall fine condition for covers of this period. Philatelic Foundation certificate (No. 546408) previously issued but not included with this lot. Accessible at the following Link.

SB - $70
FP - $70




Scott 214 COVER. 1899 2c Red Regular issue on cover from Angeles to New York, USA. Tied with Angeles (2 January 1903) Duplex cancel (top cancel amended by pen to reach 03, but bottom cancel not changed). Manila (?? January 1903) Transit cancel on reverse and Albany, NY (12 February 1903) machine receiving backstamp. (Some light foxing and a horizontal fold on bottom part of cover. Some paper adhesion on back. Nice cover with scarce Military cancellation.

SB - $40



Scott 223. Mint (Dry OG, HR). 1903 $1 Black Regular issue. Fresh colour, centred right with good perfs. Nice overall looking stamp. Scott Cat $300.

SB - $75
FP - $91



Scott 226 COVER. 1903 1c Blue-Green Regular issue on cover from Bureau of Science, Manila to new York, USA. 1c stamp paying Printed Matter Rate tied with Manila (19 November 1906) Machine cancel. Fine overall condition.

SB - $20
FP - $26



Scott 226-227, 230, 233-235, 240. Used. 1903-1904 Regular issue. Seven different stamps, all with good colour. Average to better overall condition.

SB - $10
FP - $16



Scott 228. Mint (OG, NH). 1903 3c Bright Violet with fresh colour and well centred. A beautiful looking stamp. Scott Cat $150.

SB - $35
FP - $46



Scott 231. Mint (OG, NH). 1903 6c Brownish Lake with fresh colour. Nice looking stamp. Scott Cat $190.

SB - $45
FP - $45




Scott 240. Mint (OG, NH). 1904 2c Carmine Regular issue. Fresh, vibrant colour, centred top right with good perfs. Major break in H of PHILIPPINES appearing as L. Lovely stamp.

SB - $20
FP - $105




Scott 241 COVER. 2c Green Regular issue on cover from Parang, Moro to Manila. Parang (25 May 1907) Duplex cancel, addressed to Military Hospital, Camp John Hay, re-addressed to Division Hospital. Manila (8 June) Transit, Benguet (11 June) and Manila (12 June) receiving circular date stamps. Lovely cover.

SB - $20
FP - $29



Scott 241 COVER. 2c Green Regular issue on Official cover from Iloilo, Panay Island to Buffalo, New York, USA. Iloilo (17 August 1907) Duplex cancel. Manila (22 August 1907) transit machine backstamp. Very fine condition.

SB - $15
FP - $31



Scott 241 (2) COVER. Two 2c Green Regular issues on pre-printed cover from Iloilo to Chicago, Illinois, USA. Iloilo (20 November 1907) Duplex departure cancel. Manila (26 November 1907) transit machine backstamp. Some staple holes and minor creasing on left, otherwise a nice looking cover.

SB - $15
FP - $15



Scott 241 (2) COVER. 2c Green Regular issue pair on Official cover from Tarlac to Middletown, New York, USA. Right stamp with clipped top right corner. Tarlac (16 July 1911) departure Duplex cancel. Bottom left corner tear and minor edge faults. Indistinct Manila transit machine cancel and indistinct receiving circular date backstamp. Original letter included. Average condition.

SB - $10



Scott 241-253. Used. 1906 Regular issue. 2c to 4p, missing 10p to complete the set. Good colour and better overall quality for this issue.

SB - $20
FP - $48



Scott 241a (2) COVER. Two 2c Yellow-Green Regular issues on pre-printed cover from Manila to San Francisco, USA. Manila No. 3 (16 August 1910) Duplex departure cancels. Vertical centre fold, otherwise a very nice looking cover.

SB - $10



Scott 242P PROOF. Unused. 4c Carmine-Lake Imperforate Proof. Wide margins. Very scarce. Scott Cat $500.

SB - $125
FP - $170



Scott 242 COVER. 4c Carmine Regular issue on cover from Jolo, Moro to West Virginia, USA. Jolo (20 October 1906) Duplex departure cancel. Manila (3 November 1906) Transit machine cancel and Shepherdstown (17 December 1906) receiving circular date backstamp. Vertical tone line mark on left, otherwise a very decent looking cover.

SB - $15
FP - $15



Scott 243P PROOF. Unused. 6c Violet (light shade) Imperforate Proof. Wide margins. Very scarce. Scott Cat $500.

SB - $125
FP - $170



Scott 243 CINDERELLA. Mint (NG). Replica of the 1917 6c Violet Regular issue. Jumbo stamp measuring 26mm x 29mm (frame edge to edge). Very fine, with normal stamp for comparison. Great addition to any US-Philippine collection.

SB - $10



Scott 244P PROOF. Unused. 8c Brown (light shade) Imperforate Proof. Wide margins. Very scarce. Scott Cat $500.

SB - $125
FP - $180



Scott 245 COVER. 10c Blue Regular issue on long cover from Manila to Wien, Austria. Manila (7May 1908) Duplex departure cancel. Wien (10 June 1908) receiving circular date backstamp. Generally fine overall condition for covers of this period.

SB - $20